Benjamin Watts
Benjamin Watts
PolLux STXM beamline scientist, Paul Scherrer Institute
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A quantitative study of PCBM diffusion during annealing of P3HT: PCBM blend films
B Watts, WJ Belcher, L Thomsen, H Ade, PC Dastoor
Macromolecules 42 (21), 8392-8397, 2009
Polymer blend solar cells based on a high‐mobility naphthalenediimide‐based polymer acceptor: Device physics, photophysics and morphology
JR Moore, S Albert‐Seifried, A Rao, S Massip, B Watts, DJ Morgan, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 1 (2), 230-240, 2011
Nanomorphology of bulk heterojunction photovoltaic thin films probed with resonant soft X-ray scattering
S Swaraj, C Wang, H Yan, B Watts, J Luning, CR McNeill, H Ade
Nano letters 10 (8), 2863-2869, 2010
Methods in carbon K-edge NEXAFS: experiment and analysis
B Watts, L Thomsen, PC Dastoor
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 151 (2), 105-120, 2006
The NeXus data format
M Könnecke, FA Akeroyd, HJ Bernstein, AS Brewster, SI Campbell, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 48 (1), 301-305, 2015
Nanoscale quantitative chemical mapping of conjugated polymer blends
CR McNeill, B Watts, L Thomsen, WJ Belcher, NC Greenham, PC Dastoor
Nano letters 6 (6), 1202-1206, 2006
Microstructure of polycrystalline PBTTT films: domain mapping and structure formation
T Schuettfort, B Watts, L Thomsen, M Lee, H Sirringhaus, CR McNeill
ACS nano 6 (2), 1849-1864, 2012
Calibrated NEXAFS spectra of common conjugated polymers
B Watts, S Swaraj, D Nordlund, J Lüning, H Ade
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (2), 024702, 2011
X-ray microscopy of photovoltaic polyfluorene blends: relating nanomorphology to device performance
CR McNeill, B Watts, L Thomsen, H Ade, NC Greenham, PC Dastoor
Macromolecules 40 (9), 3263-3270, 2007
Mapping of Domain Orientation and Molecular Order in Polycrystalline Semiconducting Polymer Films with Soft X‐Ray Microscopy
B Watts, T Schuettfort, CR McNeill
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (6), 1122-1131, 2011
Highly Crystalline C8‐BTBT Thin‐Film Transistors by Lateral Homo‐Epitaxial Growth on Printed Templates
R Janneck, N Pilet, SP Bommanaboyena, B Watts, P Heremans, J Genoe, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (44), 1703864, 2017
Calculation of the Kramers-Kronig transform of X-ray spectra by a piecewise Laurent polynomial method
B Watts
Optics Express 22 (19), 23628-23639, 2014
X‐ray Spectromicroscopy of Polymer/Fullerene Composites: Quantitative Chemical Mapping
CR McNeill, B Watts, L Thomsen, WJ Belcher, ALD Kilcoyne, ...
Small 2 (12), 1432-1435, 2006
Sub‐Micrometer Charge Modulation Microscopy of a High Mobility Polymeric n‐Channel Field‐Effect Transistor
C Sciascia, N Martino, T Schuettfort, B Watts, G Grancini, MR Antognazza, ...
Advanced Materials 23 (43), 5086-5090, 2011
A simple method for determining linear polarization and energy calibration of focused soft X-ray beams
B Watts, H Ade
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 162 (2), 49-55, 2008
Investigation of the Role of Nucleating Agents in MgO−SiO2−Al2O3−SiO2−TiO2 Glasses and Glass-Ceramics: A XANES Study at the Ti K- and L2,3-Edges
L Cormier, O Dargaud, N Menguy, GS Henderson, M Guignard, N Trcera, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 11 (1), 311-319, 2010
From 2D STXM to 3D Imaging: Soft X-ray Laminography of Thin Specimens
K Witte, A Späth, S Finizio, C Donnelly, B Watts, B Sarafimov, M Odstrcil, ...
Nano Letters 20 (2), 1305-1314, 2020
Evolution of laterally phase-separated polyfluorene blend morphology studied by X-ray spectromicroscopy
CR McNeill, B Watts, L Thomsen, WJ Belcher, NC Greenham, PC Dastoor, ...
Macromolecules 42 (9), 3347-3352, 2009
Evolution of the nanomorphology of photovoltaic polyfluorene blends: sub-100 nm resolution with x-ray spectromicroscopy
CR McNeill, B Watts, S Swaraj, H Ade, L Thomsen, W Belcher, ...
Nanotechnology 19 (42), 424015, 2008
Resonant soft X-ray reflectivity of organic thin films
C Wang, T Araki, B Watts, S Harton, T Koga, S Basu, H Ade
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 25 (3 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20