Milan Pantic
Milan Pantic
Full Profesor, University of Novi Sad, Depatrment of Physics, Serbia
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Cited by
Phase diagram of spin-12 quantum Heisenberg J1–J2 antiferromagnet on the body-centered-cubic lattice in random phase approximation
MR Pantić, DV Kapor, SM Radošević, PM Mali
Solid State Communications 182, 55-58, 2014
Spin-wave dispersion and transition temperature in the cuprate antiferromagnet
M Manojlović, M Pavkov, M Škrinjar, M Pantić, D Kapor, S Stojanović
Physical Review B 68 (1), 014435, 2003
Thermodynamical properties of ultrathin layered structures
SB Lazarev, MR Pantić, SM Stojković, BS Tošic, JP Šetrajčić
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 61 (6), 931-936, 2000
Magnetic properties of quasi two-dimensional antiferromagnet Rb2MnCl4 with XXZ interaction anisotropy
S Radošević, M Pavkov-Hrvojević, M Pantić, M Rutonjski, D Kapor, ...
The European Physical Journal B 68, 511-517, 2009
Magnon specific heat of high-TC parent compounds La2CuO4 and Y Ba2Cu3O6: Green’s function approach
MS Rutonjski, SM Radošević, MR Pantić, MV Pavkov-Hrvojević, DV Kapor, ...
Solid state communications 151 (7), 518-522, 2011
Green's function theory of free electrons in thin films
SB Lazarev, M Pantić, BS Tošić
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 246 (1-2), 53-63, 1997
Wire fence as applique armour
S Balos, V Grabulov, L Sidjanin, M Pantic
Materials & Design 31 (3), 1293-1301, 2010
Phonons in ultrathin layered structures
SB Lazarev, DL Mirjanić, MR Pantić, BS Tošić, JP Šetrajčić
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 60 (6), 849-854, 1999
The Néel temperature of a D-dimensional bcc Heisenberg antiferromagnet
SM Radošević, MS Rutonjski, MR Pantić, MV Pavkov-Hrvojević, DV Kapor, ...
Solid state communications 151 (23), 1753-1757, 2011
Temperature dependence of sublattice magnetization in quasi-two-dimensional S= 1 2 cuprate antiferromagnets: Green’s function approach
MS Rutonjski, SM Radošević, MG Škrinjar, MV Pavkov-Hrvojević, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (17), 172506, 2007
Application of largest Lyapunov exponent analysis on the studies of dynamics under external forces
J Odavić, P Mali, J Tekić, M Pantić, M Pavkov-Hrvojević
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 47, 100-108, 2017
Size effect of the subharmonic Shapiro steps on the interference phenomena in the Frenkel-Kontorova model with realistic substrate potentials
J Tekić, P Mali, Z Ivić, M Pantić
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (17), 2013
Effects of noise on interference phenomena in the presence of subharmonic Shapiro steps
P Mali, J Tekić, Z Ivić, M Pantić
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (4 …, 2012
Thermodynamic properties of magnetic bilayers
D Kapor, M Pantić, M Manojlović, M Škrinjar, S Stojanović, M Pavkov
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (4), 698-704, 2006
Magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic bilayers analyzed in the spin and boson pictures
M Pavkov, M Škrinjar, D Kapor, M Pantić, S Stojanović
Physical Review B 65 (10), 104512, 2002
Saturation effects in ac+ dc driven Frenkel–Kontorova model
P Mali, J Tekić, M Pantić
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 (10), 3469-3475, 2014
Mermin-Wagner theorem analogous treatment of the long-range order in -type compound spin models
M Manojlović, M Pavkov, M Škrinjar, M Pantić, D Kapor, S Stojanović
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (13), 132510, 2005
A conjecture on the number of Hamiltonian cycles on thin grid cylinder graphs
O Bodroža-Pantić, H Kwong, M Pantić
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 17 (Graph Theory), 2015
Magnon energy renormalization and low-temperature thermodynamics of O (3) Heisenberg ferromagnets
SM Radošević, MR Pantić, MV Pavkov-Hrvojević, DV Kapor
Annals of Physics 339, 382-411, 2013
The analytical treatment of magnetic properties of three-layer ferrimagnetic superlattice
M Pantić, M Škrinjar, D Kapor
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (23), 5786-5794, 2008
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Articles 1–20