Michael Camilleri
Michael Camilleri
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Effects of matrix moisture on gas diffusion and flow in coal
Z Pan, LD Connell, M Camilleri, L Connelly
Fuel 89 (11), 3207-3217, 2010
Laboratory characterisation of coal reservoir permeability for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery
Z Pan, LD Connell, M Camilleri
International Journal of Coal Geology 82 (3-4), 252-261, 2010
Measuring anisotropic permeability using a cubic shale sample in a triaxial cell
Z Pan, Y Ma, LD Connell, DI Down, M Camilleri
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26, 336-344, 2015
Laboratory characterisation of coal matrix shrinkage, cleat compressibility and the geomechanical properties determining reservoir permeability
LD Connell, S Mazumder, R Sander, M Camilleri, Z Pan, D Heryanto
Fuel 165, 499-512, 2016
History matching of enhanced coal bed methane laboratory core flood tests
LD Connell, R Sander, Z Pan, M Camilleri, D Heryanto
International Journal of Coal Geology 87 (2), 128-138, 2011
An experimental investigation of diffusivity and porosity anisotropy of a Chinese gas shale
Y Wan, Z Pan, S Tang, LD Connell, DD Down, M Camilleri
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 23, 70-79, 2015
Core flooding experiments of CO2 enhanced coalbed methane recovery
R Sander, LD Connell, Z Pan, M Camilleri, D Heryanto, N Lupton
International Journal of Coal Geology 131, 113-125, 2014
Controls on methane sorption capacity of Mesoproterozoic gas shales from the Beetaloo Sub-basin, Australia and global shales
R Sander, Z Pan, LD Connell, M Camilleri, M Grigore, Y Yang
International Journal of Coal Geology 199, 65-90, 2018
Description of a CO2 enhanced coal bed methane field trial using a multi-lateral horizontal well
LD Connell, Z Pan, M Camilleri, S Meng, D Down, J Carras, W Zhang, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 26, 204-219, 2014
Enhancing biogenic methane generation in coalbed methane reservoirs–Core flooding experiments on coals at in-situ conditions
N Lupton, LD Connell, D Heryanto, R Sander, M Camilleri, DI Down, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 219, 103377, 2020
CH4, CO2, N2 diffusion in Bowen Basin (Australia) coal: relationship between sorption kinetics of coal core and crushed coal particles
R Sander, LD Connell, M Camilleri, Z Pan
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 81, 103468, 2020
Coal permeability and its behaviour with gas desorption, pressure and stress
LD Connell, Z Pan, M Lu, D Heryanto, M Camilleri
SPE asia pacific oil and gas conference and exhibition, SPE-133915-MS, 2010
Measurement of shale anisotropic permeability and its impact on shale gas production
Z Pan, Y Ma, NN Danesh, LD Connell, R Sander, DI Down, M Camilleri
SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
CO2 injectivity in a multi-lateral horizontal well in a low permeability coal seam: results from a field trial
Z Pan, L Connell, M Shangzhi, R Sander, M Camilleri, DI Down, J Carras, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 5834-5841, 2013
Apparent gas permeability behaviour in the near critical region for real gases
T Wu, Z Pan, LD Connell, M Camilleri, X Fu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 77, 103245, 2020
Nitrogen enhanced drainage of CO2 rich coal seams for mining
LD Connell, R Sander, M Camilleri, D Heryanto, Z Pan, N Lupton
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (5), 755-761, 2017
Description of a CO2 enhanced coal bed methane field trial using a multi-lateral horizontal well
LD Connell, Z Pan, M Shangzhi, M Camilleri, D Down, J Carras, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 6760-6768, 2013
The variation in produced gas composition from mixed gas coal seam reservoirs
LD Connell, Z Pan, M Camilleri
International Journal of Coal Geology 201, 62-75, 2019
Petroleum systems model for source-rock-reservoir evaluation in the Beetaloo Sub-basin
M Faiz, V Crombez, C Delle Piane, N Lupton, M Camilleri, L Langhi
Proceedings of the AEGC, 6, 2021
Characterisation of Bowen Basin coal shrinkage and geomechanical properties and their influence on reservoir permeability
LD Connell, S Mazumder, S Marinello, R Sander, M Camilleri, Z Pan, ...
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-165822-MS, 2013
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Articles 1–20