Shawan Dogramaci
Shawan Dogramaci
Hydrogeology Manager
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Origin of dissolved salts in a large, semi-arid groundwater system: Murray Basin, Australia
AL Herczeg, SS Dogramaci, FWJ Leaney
Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (1), 41-52, 2001
Estimation of evaporative loss based on the stable isotope composition of water using Hydrocalculator
G Skrzypek, A Mydłowski, S Dogramaci, P Hedley, JJ Gibson, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 523, 781-789, 2015
Stable isotope and hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in the semi-arid Hamersley Basin of subtropical northwest Australia
S Dogramaci, G Skrzypek, W Dodson, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 475, 281-293, 2012
Controls on δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulfate in aquifers of the Murray Basin, Australia and their use as indicators of flow processes
SS Dogramaci, AL Herczeg, SL Schiff, Y Bone
Applied Geochemistry 16 (4), 475-488, 2001
Strontium and carbon isotope constraints on carbonate-solution interactions and inter-aquifer mixing in groundwaters of the semi-arid Murray Basin, Australia
SS Dogramaci, AL Herczeg
Journal of Hydrology 262 (1-4), 50-67, 2002
Geochemical and hydrological processes controlling groundwater salinity of a large inland wetland of northwest Australia
G Skrzypek, S Dogramaci, PF Grierson
Chemical Geology 357, 164-177, 2013
Hydrologic control of dissolved organic matter biogeochemistry in pools of a subtropical dryland river
JB Fellman, S Dogramaci, G Skrzypek, W Dodson, PF Grierson
Water Resources Research 47 (6), 2011
Evaluating recharge to an ephemeral dryland stream using a hydraulic model and water, chloride and isotope mass balance
S Dogramaci, G Firmani, P Hedley, G Skrzypek, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 521, 520-532, 2015
Characterisation of hyporheic exchange in a losing stream using radon-222
SA Bourke, PG Cook, M Shanafield, S Dogramaci, JF Clark
Journal of hydrology 519, 94-105, 2014
Hydrochemical and stable isotope indicators of pyrite oxidation in carbonate-rich environment; the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
LMLGS Shawan Dogramaci
Journal of Hydrology 545, 288–298, 2017
Groundwater age, mixing and flow rates in the vicinity of large open pit mines, Pilbara region, northwestern Australia
P Cook, S Dogramaci, J McCallum, J Hedley
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (1), 39-53, 2017
Impacts of high inter-annual variability of rainfall on a century of extreme hydrologic regime of northwest Australia
A Rouillard, G Skrzypek, S Dogramaci, C Turney, PF Grierson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 2057-2078, 2015
Unravelling sources of solutes in groundwater of an ancient landscape in NW Australia using stable Sr, H and O isotopes
S Dogramaci, G Skrzypek
Chemical Geology 393, 67-78, 2015
Evidence for extreme floods in arid subtropical northwest Australia during the Little Ice Age chronozone (CE 1400–1850)
A Rouillard, G Skrzypek, C Turney, S Dogramaci, Q Hua, A Zawadzki, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 144, 107-122, 2016
Controls on interactions between surface water, groundwater, and riverine vegetation along intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in arid regions
OS Schilling, PG Cook, PF Grierson, S Dogramaci, CT Simmons
Water Resources Research 57 (2), e2020WR028429, 2021
Alluvial ground water influences dissolved organic matter biogeochemistry of pools within intermittent dryland streams
AR Siebers, NE Pettit, G Skrzypek, JB Fellman, S Dogramaci, PF Grierson
Freshwater Biology 61 (8), 1228-1241, 2016
A hydrological framework for persistent pools along non-perennial rivers
SA Bourke, M Shanafield, P Hedley, S Dogramaci
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 27, 809-836, 2023
Soil moisture evaporative losses in response to wet-dry cycles in a semiarid climate
T Tugwell-Wootton, G Skrzypek, S Dogramaci, J McCallum, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125533, 2020
Identifying modern and historic recharge events from tracer‐derived groundwater age distributions
JL McCallum, PG Cook, S Dogramaci, R Purtschert, CT Simmons, L Burk
Water Resources Research 53 (2), 1039-1056, 2017
Salinity situation statement Collie River
GW Mauger, M Bari, L Boniecka, RNM Dixon, SS Dogramaci, J Platt
Water Resources Commission, Water Resource Technical Report WRT 29, 108, 2001
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