Angela Zoss
Cited by
Cited by
Design and update of a classification system: The UCSD map of science
K Börner, R Klavans, M Patek, AM Zoss, JR Biberstine, RP Light, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e39464, 2012
Rete-netzwerk-red: analyzing and visualizing scholarly networks using the Network Workbench Tool
K Börner, W Huang, M Linnemeier, R Duhon, P Phillips, N Ma, A Zoss, ...
Scientometrics 83 (3), 863-876, 2010
Imprints of place: creative expressions of the museum experience
K Boehner, J Thom-Santelli, A Zoss, G Gay, JS Hall, T Barrett
CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1220-1223, 2005
Mapping the impact of transdisciplinary research: A visual comparison of investigator initiated and team based tobacco use research publications
BA Stipelman, KL Hall, A Zoss, J Okamoto, D Stokols, K Borner
Journal of Translational Medicine & Epidemiology 2 (2), 1-7, 2014
Mapping interactions within the evolving Science of Science and Innovation Policy community
AM Zoss, K Börner
Scientometrics 91 (2), 631-644, 2011
Data visualization: visualization types
A Zoss
Duke Uni, 2017
Network visualization literacy: Novel approaches to measurement and instruction
A Zoss, A Maltese, SM Uzzo, K Börner
Network Science In Education: Transformational Approaches in Teaching and …, 2018
Designing public visualizations of library data
AM Zoss
Data visualization: A guide to visual storytelling for libraries, 19, 2016
AI and global science and technology assessment
H Chen, RN Kostoff, C Chen, J Zhang, MS Vogeley, K Borner, N Ma, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 24 (4), 68-88, 2009
& Boyack, KW (2012). Design and update of a classification system: The UCSD map of science
K Börner, R Klavans, M Patek, AM Zoss, JR Biberstine, RP Light
PloS one 7 (7), e39464, 0
Challenges and solutions for short-form data visualization instruction
A Zoss
Pedagogy Data Visualization, IEEE VIS Workshop, 2016
Data Visualization
A Zoss
Duke University Libraries, 2021
Network visualization literacy: Task, context, and layout
AM Zoss
Indiana University, 2018
Seeding a Field: The Growth of Bibliometrics Through Co-authorship Ties
A Zoss
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 38 …, 2012
Engaging researchers in data dialogues: Designing collaborative programming to promote research data sharing
M Downey, S Lafferty-Hess, P Charbonneau, A Zoss
Journal of eScience Librarianship 10 (2), 2021
Cognitive Processes and Traits Related to Graphic Comprehension
AM Zoss
Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics, 94-110, 2013
Where are the academic jobs? Interactive exploration of job advertisements in geospatial and topical space
A Zoss, M Conover, K Börner
Advances in Social Computing: Third International Conference on Social …, 2010
Duke Libraries Data Privacy and Retention Audit Report
J Chapman, A Zoss
January, 2020
Public Report on Inclusive Library Study Space Design-May 2021
A Zoss, M Brown, I King, S McCurdy
Network Visualization Literacy
A Zoss, A Maltese, S Uzzo, K Börner
Presentation for Indiana University, 2017
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Articles 1–20