Alireza Ermagun
Alireza Ermagun
Assistant Professor of Transport Geography
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Built environmental impacts on commuting mode choice and distance: Evidence from Shanghai
B Sun, A Ermagun, B Dan
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 52, 441-453, 2017
Spatiotemporal traffic forecasting: review and proposed directions
A Ermagun, D Levinson
Transport Reviews 38 (6), 786-814, 2018
Public bicycle as a feeder mode to rail transit in China: The role of gender, age, income, trip purpose, and bicycle theft experience
Y Ji, Y Fan, A Ermagun, X Cao, W Wang, K Das
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11 (4), 308-317, 2017
Studying determinants of crowd-shipping use
A Punel, A Ermagun, A Stathopoulos
Travel Behaviour and Society 12, 30-40, 2018
Equity of transit accessibility across Chicago
A Ermagun, N Tilahun
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 86, 102461, 2020
Promoting active transportation modes in school trips
A Ermagun, A Samimi
Transport policy 37, 203-211, 2015
Real-time trip purpose prediction using online location-based search and discovery services
A Ermagun, Y Fan, J Wolfson, G Adomavicius, K Das
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 77, 96-112, 2017
Gender gap generators for bicycle mode choice in Baltimore college campuses
F Abasahl, KB Kelarestaghi, A Ermagun
Travel behaviour and society 11, 78-85, 2018
To bid or not to bid: An empirical study of the supply determinants of crowd-shipping
A Ermagun, A Stathopoulos
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116, 468-483, 2018
Variations in airline passenger expectation of service quality across the globe
A Punel, LAH Hassan, A Ermagun
Tourism management 75, 491-508, 2019
Public transit, active travel, and the journey to school: a cross-nested logit analysis
A Ermagun, D Levinson
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 13 (1), 24-37, 2017
Transport access manual: A guide for measuring connection between people and places
D Levinson, D King
Committee of the Transport Access Manual, University of Sydney, 2020
Using Twitter network to detect market segments in the airline industry
A Punel, A Ermagun
Journal of Air Transport Management 73, 67-76, 2018
Community mobility MAUP-ing: A socio-spatial investigation of bikeshare demand in Chicago
A Biehl, A Ermagun, A Stathopoulos
Journal of Transport Geography 66, 80-90, 2018
Mode choice for school trips: long-term planning and impact of modal specification on policy assessments
A Ermagun, TH Rashidi, ZA Lari
Transportation research record 2513 (1), 97-105, 2015
Cycling usage and frequency determinants in college campuses
KB Kelarestaghi, A Ermagun, KP Heaslip
Cities 90, 216-228, 2019
Influences of LRT on travel behaviour: A retrospective study on movers in Minneapolis
J Cao, A Ermagun
Urban Studies 54 (11), 2504-2520, 2017
Modelling determinants of walking and cycling adoption: A stage-of-change perspective
A Biehl, A Ermagun, A Stathopoulos
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 452-470, 2018
Intra-household bargaining for school trip accompaniment of children: A group decision approach
A Ermagun, D Levinson
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 94, 222-234, 2016
Development and application of the network weight matrix to predict traffic flow for congested and uncongested conditions
A Ermagun, DM Levinson
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46 (9), 1684-1705, 2019
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Articles 1–20