Saber Khanmohammadi
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Cited by
3-E analysis and optimization of an organic rankine flash cycle integrated with a PEM fuel cell and geothermal energy
Z Li, S Khanmohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, AAAA Al-Rashed, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (3), 2168-2185, 2020
A comprehensive review of solar only and hybrid solar driven multigeneration systems: Classifications, benefits, design and prospective
K Mohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, H Khorasanizadeh, K Powell
Applied Energy 268, 114940, 2020
Design and comparative exergy and exergo-economic analyses of a novel integrated Kalina cycle improved with fuel cell and thermoelectric module
MZ Malik, F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, AH Pakseresht, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 220, 113081, 2020
Energy, exergy and exergo-environment analyses, and tri-objective optimization of a solar still desalination with different insulations
S Khanmohammadi, S Khanmohammadi
Energy 187, 115988, 2019
Techno-economic analysis and environmental benefits of solar industrial process heating based on parabolic trough collectors
K Mohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, J Immonen, K Powell
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 47, 101412, 2021
Thermoeconomic modeling and multi-objective evolutionary-based optimization of a modified transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle
S Khanmohammadi, M Goodarzi, S Khanmohammadi, H Ganjehsarabi
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 5, 86-96, 2018
Applications of solar PV systems in desalination technologies
S Gorjian, B Ghobadian, H Ebadi, F Ketabchi, S Khanmohammadi
Photovoltaic solar energy conversion, 237-274, 2020
Waste heat recovery in an intercooled gas turbine system: Exergo-economic analysis, triple objective optimization, and optimum state selection
F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, A Pakseresht, S Khanmohammadi
Journal of Cleaner Production 279, 123428, 2021
Solar still desalination system equipped with paraffin as phase change material: exergoeconomic analysis and multi-objective optimization
MZ Malik, F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 220-234, 2021
Enhancing the performance of an integrated CCHP system including ORC, Kalina, and refrigeration cycles through employing TEG: 3E analysis and multi-criteria optimization
F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, AH Pakseresht, S Khanmohammadi
Geothermics 89, 101973, 2021
Thermal modeling and triple objective optimization of a new compressed air energy storage system integrated with Rankine cycle, PEM fuel cell, and thermoelectric unit
S Khanmohammadi, M Rahmani, F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 43, 100810, 2021
Thermodynamic modeling and comparative analysis of a compressed air energy storage system boosted with thermoelectric unit
F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, M Rahmani, S Khanmohammadi
Journal of Energy Storage 33, 101888, 2021
Heat transfer assessment of turbulent nanofluid flow in a circular pipe fitted with elliptical-cut twisted tape inserts
K Ahmadi, S Khanmohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, M Bahiraei, QV Bach
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-14, 2020
Improving the power generation efficiency with the use of LNG as cold source by thermoelectric generators for hydrogen production
F Musharavati, M Saadat-Targhi, S Khanmohammadi, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (51), 26905-26919, 2020
Theoretical assessment of a solar still system equipped with Nano-phase change materials
S Khanmohammadi, M Sabzpooshani
International Journal of Green Energy 18 (2), 111-127, 2021
Comparative analysis and multi-criteria optimization of a supercritical recompression CO2 Brayton cycle integrated with thermoelectric modules
F Musharavati, S Khanmohammadi, A Pakseresht, S Khanmohammadi
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 145 (3), 769-785, 2021
Development of high concentration photovoltaics (HCPV) power plants in the US Southwest: Economic assessment and sensitivity analysis
K Mohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, H Khorasanizadeh, K Powell
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 42, 100873, 2020
Triple-objective optimization of a double-tube heat exchanger with elliptic cross section in the presence TiO2 nanofluid
S Khanmohammadi, Z Rahimi, S Khanmohammadi, M Afrand
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 140, 477-488, 2020
Reducing the specific energy use of seawater desalination with thermally enhanced reverse osmosis
S Yagnambhatt, S Khanmohammadi, J Maisonneuve
Desalination 573, 117163, 2024
Exergy and exergoeconimic analysis and multi-criteria optimisation of 1 MW installed CCHP system (a case study in Kashan University)
S Khanmohammadi, S Khanmohammadi, H Khorasanizadeh, M Afrand
International Journal of Exergy 32 (1), 45-61, 2020
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Articles 1–20