Åsa Sivertsson
Åsa Sivertsson
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Cited by
Tissue-based map of the human proteome
M Uhlén, L Fagerberg, BM Hallström, C Lindskog, P Oksvold, ...
Science 347 (6220), 1260419, 2015
Analysis of the human tissue-specific expression by genome-wide integration of transcriptomics and antibody-based proteomics
L Fagerberg, BM Hallström, P Oksvold, C Kampf, D Djureinovic, ...
Molecular & cellular proteomics 13 (2), 397-406, 2014
A subcellular map of the human proteome
PJ Thul, L Åkesson, M Wiking, D Mahdessian, A Geladaki, H Ait Blal, ...
Science 356 (6340), eaal3321, 2017
A human protein atlas for normal and cancer tissues based on antibody proteomics
M Uhlén, E Björling, C Agaton, CAK Szigyarto, B Amini, E Andersen, ...
Molecular & cellular proteomics 4 (12), 1920-1932, 2005
A genecentric Human Protein Atlas for expression profiles based on antibodies
L Berglund, E Björling, P Oksvold, L Fagerberg, A Asplund, CAK Szigyarto, ...
Molecular & cellular proteomics 7 (10), 2019-2027, 2008
A genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of protein-coding genes in human blood cells
M Uhlen, MJ Karlsson, W Zhong, A Tebani, C Pou, J Mikes, ...
Science 366 (6472), eaax9198, 2019
The human secretome
M Uhlén, MJ Karlsson, A Hober, AS Svensson, J Scheffel, D Kotol, ...
Science signaling 12 (609), eaaz0274, 2019
A roadmap to generate renewable protein binders to the human proteome
K Colwill, ...
Nature methods 8 (7), 551-558, 2011
Enhanced validation of antibodies for research applications
F Edfors, A Hober, K Linderbäck, G Maddalo, A Azimi, Å Sivertsson, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4130, 2018
A subcellular map of the human proteome. Science 356: eaal3321
PJ Thul, L Åkesson, M Wiking, D Mahdessian, A Geladaki, H Ait Blal, ...
Pyrosequencing as an Alternative to Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis for Detection of N-ras Mutations in Human Melanoma Metastases
A Sivertsson, A Platz, J Hansson, J Lundeberg
Clinical chemistry 48 (12), 2164-2170, 2002
A whole‐genome bioinformatics approach to selection of antigens for systematic antibody generation
L Berglund, E Björling, K Jonasson, J Rockberg, L Fagerberg, ...
Proteomics 8 (14), 2832-2839, 2008
Genetic tumor archeology: microdissection and genetic heterogeneity in squamous and basal cell carcinoma
H Bäckvall, A Asplund, A Gustafsson, Å Sivertsson, J Lundeberg, ...
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 571 (1 …, 2005
The kidney transcriptome and proteome defined by transcriptomics and antibody-based profiling
M Habuka, L Fagerberg, BM Hallström, C Kampf, K Edlund, Å Sivertsson, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e116125, 2014
Contribution of antibody-based protein profiling to the human Chromosome-centric Proteome Project (C-HPP)
L Fagerberg, P Oksvold, M Skogs, C Algenas, E Lundberg, F Ponten, ...
Journal of proteome research 12 (6), 2439-2448, 2013
Mutation spectra of epidermal p53 clones adjacent to basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma
H Bäckvall, S Strömberg, A Gustafsson, A Asplund, Å Sivertsson, ...
Experimental dermatology 13 (10), 643-650, 2004
AK., Odeberg J., Djureinovic D., Takanen JO, Hober S
M Uhlén, L Fagerberg, BM Hallstrom, C Lindskog, P Oksvold, ...
Alm T., Edqvist PH., Berling H., Tegel H., Mulder J., Rockberg J., Nilsson P …, 2015
A systematic search strategy identifies cubilin as independent prognostic marker for renal cell carcinoma
G Gremel, D Djureinovic, M Niinivirta, A Laird, O Ljungqvist, ...
BMC cancer 17, 1-9, 2017
The mutagenic effect of ultraviolet‐A1 on human skin demonstrated by sequencing the p53 gene in single keratinocytes
ÅE Persson, DW Edström, H Bäckvall, J Lundeberg, F Pontén, AM Ros, ...
Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine 18 (6), 287-293, 2002
Systematic evaluation of SARS‐CoV‐2 antigens enables a highly specific and sensitive multiplex serological COVID‐19 assay
S Hober, C Hellström, J Olofsson, E Andersson, S Bergström, ...
Clinical & Translational Immunology 10 (7), e1312, 2021
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Articles 1–20