Mary Ryan
Cited by
Cited by
Theorising a model for teaching and assessing reflective learning in higher education
M Ryan, M Ryan
Higher Education Research & Development 32 (2), 244-257, 2013
The pedagogical balancing act: Teaching reflection in higher education
M Ryan
Teaching in higher education 18 (2), 144-155, 2013
Improving reflective writing in higher education: A social semiotic perspective
M Ryan
Teaching in higher education 16 (1), 99-111, 2011
Changing teachers' epistemic cognition: A new conceptual framework for epistemic reflexivity
J Lunn Brownlee, LE Ferguson, M Ryan
Educational Psychologist 52 (4), 242-252, 2017
The teacher as reflexive professional: Making visible the excluded discourse in teacher standards
M Ryan, T Bourke
Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education 34 (3), 411-423, 2013
Making visible the coding process: Using qualitative data software in a post-structural study
M Ryan
Issues in educational research 19 (2), 142-161, 2009
Multimodal approaches to reflective teaching and assessment in higher education
G Barton, M Ryan
Higher Education Research & Development 33 (3), 409-424, 2014
How does initial teacher education research frame the challenge of preparing future teachers for student diversity in schools? A systematic review of literature
L Rowan, T Bourke, L L’Estrange, J Lunn Brownlee, M Ryan, S Walker, ...
Review of Educational Research 91 (1), 112-158, 2021
Schooling teachers: Professionalism or disciplinary power?
T Bourke, J Lidstone, M Ryan
Educational philosophy and theory 47 (1), 84-100, 2015
How do teacher educators use professional standards in their practice?
T Bourke, M Ryan, P Ould
Teaching and Teacher Education 75, 83-92, 2018
Teaching reflective learning in higher education-A systematic approach using pedagogic patterns
ME Ryan
Springer, 2015
Conceptualising and teaching discursive and performative reflection in higher education
M Ryan
Studies in Continuing education 34 (2), 207-223, 2012
Taking a ‘reality’check: Expanding pre-service teachers' views on pedagogy and diversity
M Ryan, S Carrington, G Selva, A Healy
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 37 (2), 155-173, 2009
The discursive positioning of graduating teachers in accreditation of teacher education programs
T Bourke, M Ryan, M Lloyd
Teaching and Teacher Education 53, 1-9, 2016
Changes in preservice teachers' personal epistemologies
JL Brownlee, G Schraw, S Walker, M Ryan
Handbook of epistemic cognition, 300-317, 2016
Beyond the measures: The antecedents of teacher collective efficacy in professional learning
T Loughland, M Ryan
Professional Development in Education 48 (2), 343-352, 2022
The spatialized practices of teaching writing in Australian elementary schools: Diverse students shaping discoursal selves
M Ryan, G Barton
Research in the Teaching of English 48 (3), 303-329, 2014
Identity and text: Developing self-conscious readers
M Ryan, M Anstey
TheAustralian Journal of Language and Literacy 26 (1), 9-22, 2003
It's not all about school: Ways of disrupting pre-service teachers' perceptions of pedagogy and communication
M Ryan, A Healy
Teaching and Teacher Education 25 (3), 424-429, 2009
Introduction: Reflective and reflexive approaches in higher education: A warrant for lifelong learning?
M Ryan
Teaching reflective learning in higher education: A systematic approach …, 2015
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Articles 1–20