Kean Chern Fong
Kean Chern Fong
Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University
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Cited by
Rubidium multication perovskite with optimized bandgap for perovskite‐silicon tandem with over 26% efficiency
T Duong, YL Wu, H Shen, J Peng, X Fu, D Jacobs, EC Wang, TC Kho, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (14), 1700228, 2017
High efficiency silicon solar cells
A Blakers, N Zin, KR McIntosh, K Fong
Energy Procedia 33, 1-10, 2013
Design, fabrication and characterisation of a 24.4% efficient interdigitated back contact solar cell
E Franklin, K Fong, K McIntosh, A Fell, A Blakers, T Kho, D Walter, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: research and applications 24 (4), 411-427, 2016
Input parameters for the simulation of silicon solar cells in 2014
A Fell, KR McIntosh, PP Altermatt, GJM Janssen, R Stangl, A Ho-Baillie, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (4), 1250-1263, 2015
Near-infrared free carrier absorption in heavily doped silicon
SC Baker-Finch, KR McIntosh, D Yan, KC Fong, TC Kho
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (6), 2014
Monolithic perovskite/Si tandem solar cells: pathways to over 30% efficiency
H Shen, D Walter, Y Wu, KC Fong, DA Jacobs, T Duong, J Peng, K Weber, ...
Advanced energy materials 10 (13), 1902840, 2020
High efficiency perovskite‐silicon tandem solar cells: effect of surface coating versus bulk incorporation of 2D perovskite
T Duong, H Pham, TC Kho, P Phang, KC Fong, D Yan, Y Yin, J Peng, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (9), 1903553, 2020
Accurate series resistance measurement of solar cells
KC Fong, KR McIntosh, AW Blakers
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 21 (4), 490-499, 2013
3-D simulation of interdigitated-back-contact silicon solar cells with quokka including perimeter losses
A Fell, KC Fong, KR McIntosh, E Franklin, AW Blakers
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4 (4), 1040-1045, 2014
Phosphorus diffused LPCVD polysilicon passivated contacts with in-situ low pressure oxidation
KC Fong, TC Kho, WS Liang, TK Chong, M Ernst, D Walter, M Stocks, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186, 236-242, 2018
An examination of three common assumptions used to simulate recombination in heavily doped silicon
K McIntosh, PP Altermatt, T Ratcliff, K Fong, L Black, S Baker-Finch, ...
WIP-Renewable Energies, 2013
On the use of luminescence intensity images for quantified characterization of perovskite solar cells: spatial distribution of series resistance
D Walter, Y Wu, T Duong, J Peng, L Jiang, KC Fong, K Weber
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (2), 1701522, 2018
Quantifying the optical losses in back-contact solar cells
KR McIntosh, TC Kho, KC Fong, SC Baker-Finch, Y Wan, N Zin, ...
2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 0115-0123, 2014
High efficiency UMG silicon solar cells: impact of compensation on cell parameters
F Rougieux, C Samundsett, KC Fong, A Fell, P Zheng, D Macdonald, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 24 (5), 725-734, 2016
Efficient monolithic perovskite–Si tandem solar cells enabled by an ultra-thin indium tin oxide interlayer
J Zheng, W Duan, Y Guo, ZC Zhao, H Yi, FJ Ma, LG Caro, C Yi, J Bing, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (3), 1223-1233, 2023
Simplified device simulation of silicon solar cells using a lumped parameter optical model
A Fell, KR McIntosh, KC Fong
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (3), 611-616, 2016
Polyimide for silicon solar cells with double-sided textured pyramids
N Zin, K McIntosh, S Bakhshi, A Vázquez-Guardado, T Kho, K Fong, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 183, 200-204, 2018
Bulk Incorporation with 4‐Methylphenethylammonium Chloride for Efficient and Stable Methylammonium‐Free Perovskite and Perovskite‐Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
T Duong, T Nguyen, K Huang, H Pham, SG Adhikari, MR Khan, L Duan, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 13 (9), 2203607, 2023
Damage-free ultraviolet nanosecond laser ablation for high efficiency back contact solar cell fabrication
D Walter, A Fell, E Franklin, D Wang, K Fong, T Kho, K Weber, AW Blakers
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 136, 1-10, 2015
Optimisation of N+ diffusion and contact size of IBC solar cells
K Fong, T Kho, K McIntosh, E Franklin, NS Zin, A Fell, A Blakers
WIP-Renewable Energies, 2013
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Articles 1–20