Yuan Xie(谢圆)
Yuan Xie(谢圆)
Master, SYSU
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Cited by
Instance-level salient object segmentation
G Li, Y Xie, L Lin, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Flow guided recurrent neural encoder for video salient object detection
G Li, Y Xie, T Wei, K Wang, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Semi-supervised video salient object detection using pseudo-labels
P Yan, G Li, Y Xie, Z Li, C Wang, T Chen, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Weakly supervised salient object detection using image labels
G Li, Y Xie, L Lin
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Cross-domain facial expression recognition: A unified evaluation benchmark and adversarial graph learning
T Chen, T Pu, H Wu, Y Xie, L Liu, L Lin
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 44 (12), 9887 …, 2021
Structured semantic transfer for multi-label recognition with partial labels
T Chen, T Pu, H Wu, Y Xie, L Lin
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (1), 339-346, 2022
Adversarial graph representation adaptation for cross-domain facial expression recognition
Y Xie, T Chen, T Pu, H Wu, L Lin
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1255-1264, 2020
Facial landmark machines: A backbone-branches architecture with progressive representation learning
L Liu, G Li, Y Xie, Y Yu, Q Wang, L Lin
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 21 (9), 2248-2262, 2019
Au-expression knowledge constrained representation learning for facial expression recognition
T Pu, T Chen, Y Xie, H Wu, L Lin
2021 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 11154 …, 2021
Facial landmark localization in the wild by backbone-branches representation learning
L Liu, G Li, Y Xie, L Lin, Y Yu
2018 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 1-8, 2018
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Articles 1–10