Fiona White
Fiona White
Professor of Psychology, University of Sydney
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Understanding the complexities of ethnic-racial socialization processes for both minority and majority groups: A 30-year systematic review
N Priest, J Walton, F White, E Kowal, A Baker, Y Paradies
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 43, 139-155, 2014
Linking values and organizational commitment: A correlational and experimental investigation in two organizations
GN Abbott, FA White, MA Charles
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 78 (4), 531-551, 2005
The relationship between measures of executive function, motor performance and externalising behaviour in 5-and 6-year-old children
D Livesey, J Keen, J Rouse, F White
Human movement science 25 (1), 50-64, 2006
A dual identity-electronic contact (DIEC) experiment promoting short-and long-term intergroup harmony
FA White, HM Abu-Rayya
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (3), 597-608, 2012
Intergroup contact and mental health stigma: A comparative effectiveness meta-analysis
RD Maunder, FA White
Clinical psychology review 72, 101749, 2019
Beyond direct contact: The theoretical and societal relevance of indirect contact for improving intergroup relations
FA White, I Borinca, L Vezzali, KJ Reynolds, JK Blomster Lyshol, S Verrelli, ...
Journal of Social Issues 77 (1), 132-153, 2021
Employees’ mood, perceptions of fairness, and organizational citizenship behavior
BAE Messer, FA White
Journal of Business and Psychology 21, 65-82, 2006
Parental morality and family processes as predictors of adolescent morality
FA White, KM Matawie
Journal of Child and Family studies 13, 219-233, 2004
Relationship of family socialization processes to adolescent moral thought
FA White
The Journal of social psychology 140 (1), 75-91, 2000
Culture, cross-role consistency, and adjustment: testing trait and cultural psychology perspectives.
AT Church, CA Anderson-Harumi, AM del Prado, GJ Curtis, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95 (3), 739, 2008
Implicit theories and self-perceptions of traitedness across cultures: Toward integration of cultural and trait psychology perspectives
AT Church, MS Katigbak, AM Del Prado, FA Ortiz, KA Mastor, Y Harumi, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 37 (6), 694-716, 2006
Talking culture? Egalitarianism, color-blindness and racism in Australian elementary schools
J Walton, N Priest, E Kowal, F White, K Brickwood, B Fox, Y Paradies
Teaching and teacher education 39, 112-122, 2014
Minority stress, social support, and the mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Australians during the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey
S Verrelli, FA White, LJ Harvey, MR Pulciani
Australian Psychologist 54 (4), 336-346, 2019
‘You are not born being racist, are you?’Discussing racism with primary aged-children
N Priest, J Walton, F White, E Kowal, B Fox, Y Paradies
Race Ethnicity and Education 19 (4), 808-834, 2016
Intergroup contact research in the 21st century: Lessons learned and forward progress if we remain open
S Paolini, FA White, LR Tropp, RN Turner, E Page‐Gould, FK Barlow, ...
Journal of Social Issues 77 (1), 11-37, 2021
Improving intergroup relations in the Internet age: A critical review
FA White, LJ Harvey, HM Abu-Rayya
Review of General Psychology 19 (2), 129-139, 2015
A 5‐year systematic strategy to reduce plagiarism among first‐year psychology university students
C Owens, FA White
Australian Journal of Psychology 65 (1), 14-21, 2013
Whiteness and national identity: Teacher discourses in Australian primary schools
J Walton, N Priest, E Kowal, F White, B Fox, Y Paradies
Race ethnicity and education 21 (1), 132-147, 2018
Developmental psychology: From infancy to adulthood
F White, D Livesey, B Hayes
P. Ed Australia, 2015
Emotion expression and intergroup bias reduction between Muslims and Christians: Long-term Internet contact
FA White, HM Abu-Rayya, AM Bliuc, N Faulkner
Computers in Human Behavior 53, 435-442, 2015
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Articles 1–20