JF Donoghue
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Cited by
Targeted drug delivery using genetically engineered diatom biosilica
B Delalat, VC Sheppard, S Rasi Ghaemi, S Rao, CA Prestidge, G McPhee, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8791, 2015
The regulation of mitochondrial DNA copy number in glioblastoma cells
A Dickinson, KY Yeung, J Donoghue, MJ Baker, RDW Kelly, M McKenzie, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 20 (12), 1644-1653, 2013
Comparative toxicity of synchrotron and conventional radiation therapy based on total and partial body irradiation in a murine model
LML Smyth, JF Donoghue, JA Ventura, J Livingstone, T Bailey, LRJ Day, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12044, 2018
The genetic basis of endometriosis and comorbidity with other pain and inflammatory conditions
N Rahmioglu, S Mortlock, M Ghiasi, PL Møller, L Stefansdottir, ...
Nature genetics 55 (3), 423-436, 2023
The plasticity of oncogene addiction: implications for targeted therapies directed to receptor tyrosine kinases
V Pillay, L Allaf, AL Wilding, JF Donoghue, NW Court, SA Greenall, ...
Neoplasia 11 (5), 448-IN2, 2009
Mesenchymal niche-derived neuregulin-1 drives intestinal stem cell proliferation and regeneration of damaged epithelium
T Jardé, WH Chan, FJ Rossello, TK Kahlon, M Theocharous, TK Arackal, ...
Cell stem cell 27 (4), 646-662. e7, 2020
Endometrial angiogenesis, vascular maturation, and lymphangiogenesis
PAW Rogers, JF Donoghue, LM Walter, JE Girling
Reproductive Sciences 16 (2), 147-151, 2009
Mitochondrial DNA copy number is regulated by DNA methylation and demethylation of POLGA in stem and cancer cells and their differentiated progeny
W Lee, J Johnson, DJ Gough, J Donoghue, GLM Cagnone, V Vaghjiani, ...
Cell death & disease 6 (2), e1664-e1664, 2015
Lymphangiogensis of normal endometrium and endometrial adenocarcinoma
JF Donoghue, FL Lederman, BJ Susil, PAW Rogers
Human Reproduction 22 (6), 1705-1713, 2007
Autoimmunity caused by ignorant CD8+ T cells is transient and depends on avidity.
WR Heath, F Karamalis, J Donoghue, JF Miller
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 155 (5), 2339-2349, 1995
The identification of mitochondrial DNA variants in glioblastoma multiforme
KY Yeung, A Dickinson, JF Donoghue, G Polekhina, SJ White, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 2, 1-21, 2014
EGFRvIII-mediated transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases in glioma: mechanism and therapeutic implications
SA Greenall, JF Donoghue, M Van Sinderen, V Dubljevic, S Budiman, ...
Oncogene 34 (41), 5277-5287, 2015
Targeting Interleukin-11 Receptor-α Impairs Human Endometrial Cancer Cell Proliferation and Invasion In Vitro and Reduces Tumor Growth and Metastasis In Vivo
AL Winship, M Van Sinderen, J Donoghue, K Rainczuk, E Dimitriadis
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 15 (4), 720-730, 2016
Endometrial uNK cell counts do not predict successful implantation in an IVF population
JF Donoghue, P Paiva, WT Teh, LM Cann, C Nowell, H Rees, S Bittinger, ...
Human Reproduction 34 (12), 2456-2466, 2019
Glioma specific extracellular missense mutations in the first cysteine rich region of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) initiate ligand independent activation
SI Ymer, SA Greenall, A Cvrljevic, DX Cao, JF Donoghue, VC Epa, ...
Cancers 3 (2), 2032-2049, 2011
Activin‐A secretion is increased in the eutopic endometrium from women with essndometriosis
L Rombauts, J Donoghue, L Cann, RL Jones, DL Healy
Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 46 (2), 148-153, 2006
Non-agonistic bivalent antibodies that promote c-MET degradation and inhibit tumor growth and others specific for tumor related c-MET
SA Greenall, E Gherardi, Z Liu, JF Donoghue, AA Vitali, Q Li, R Murphy, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e34658, 2012
Peripheral, central, and cross sensitization in endometriosis-associated pain and comorbid pain syndromes
HC McNamara, HC Frawley, JF Donoghue, E Readman, M Healey, ...
Frontiers in Reproductive Health 3, 729642, 2021
Endometrial lymphangiogensis
PAW Rogers, JF Donoghue, JE Girling
Placenta 29, 48-54, 2008
Dilated thin-walled blood and lymphatic vessels in human endometrium: a potential role for VEGF-D in progestin-induced break-through bleeding
JF Donoghue, CJ McGavigan, FL Lederman, LM Cann, L Fu, E Dimitriadis, ...
PLoS One 7 (2), e30916, 2012
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Articles 1–20