Adam Thomas Clark
Adam Thomas Clark
Associate Professor, University of Graz
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Spatial 'convergent cross mapping' to detect causal relationships from short time-series
AT Clark, H Ye, F Isbell, ER Deyle, JM Cowles, D Tilman, G Sugihara
Ecology, 2015
Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people
F Isbell, P Balvanera, AS Mori, JS He, JM Bullock, GR Regmi, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21 (2), 94-103, 2023
Deficits of biodiversity and productivity linger a century after agricultural abandonment
F Isbell, D Tilman, PB Reich, AT Clark
Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (11), 1533-1538, 2019
Policy implications of models of the spread of coronavirus: Perspectives and opportunities for economists
C Avery, W Bossert, A Clark, G Ellison, SF Ellison
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Traits linked with species invasiveness and community invasibility vary with time, stage and indicator of invasion in a long‐term grassland experiment
JA Catford, AL Smith, PD Wragg, AT Clark, M Kosmala, ...
Ecology letters 22 (4), 593-604, 2019
An Economist's Guide to Epidemiology Models of Infectious Disease
C Avery, W Bossert, A Clark, G Ellison, SF Ellison
Journal of Economic Perspectives 34 (4), 79-104, 2020
An attainable global vision for conservation and human well‐being
HM Tallis, PL Hawthorne, S Polasky, J Reid, MW Beck, K Brauman, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (10), 563-570, 2018
Clarifying the effect of biodiversity on productivity in natural ecosystems with longitudinal data and methods for causal inference
LE Dee, PJ Ferraro, CN Severen, KA Kimmel, ET Borer, JEK Byrnes, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2607, 2023
Diversity and coexistence are influenced by time‐dependent species interactions in a predator–prey system
C Karakoç, AT Clark, A Chatzinotas
Ecology Letters 23 (6), 983-993, 2020
Contingent factors explain average divergence in functional composition over 88 years of old field succession
AT Clark, JMH Knops, D Tilman
Journal of Ecology 107, 545-558, 2019
Long-term biomass yield and species composition in native perennial bioenergy cropping systems
JM Jungers, AT Clark, K Betts, ME Mangan, CC Sheaffer, DL Wyse
Agronomy Journal 107 (5), 1627-1640, 2015
General statistical scaling laws for stability in ecological systems
AT Clark, JF Arnoldi, YR Zelnik, G Barabas, D Hodapp, C Karakoç, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (7), 1474-1486, 2021
Predicting species abundances in a grassland biodiversity experiment: Trade‐offs between model complexity and generality
AT Clark, L Ann Turnbull, A Tredennick, E Allan, WS Harpole, ...
Journal of Ecology 108, 774-787, 2020
Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment
E Ladouceur, SA Blowes, JM Chase, AT Clark, M Garbowski, J Alberti, ...
Ecology letters 25 (12), 2699-2712, 2022
Mechanistically derived dispersal kernels explain species‐level patterns of recruitment and succession
LL Sullivan, AT Clark, D Tilman, AK Shaw
Ecology 99 (11), 2415-2420, 2018
Functional traits of tropical trees and lianas explain spatial structure across multiple scales
AT Clark, M Detto, HC Muller‐Landau, SA Schnitzer, SJ Wright, R Condit, ...
Journal of Ecology 106, 795–806, 2018
Identifying mechanisms that structure ecological communities by snapping model parameters to empirically observed tradeoffs
AT Clark, C Lehman, D Tilman
Ecology Letters, 2018
gauseR: Simple methods for fitting Lotka‐Volterra models describing Gause’s “Struggle for Existence”
LK Mühlbauer, M Schulze, WS Harpole, AT Clark
Ecology and evolution 10 (23), 13275-13283, 2020
rEDM: Applications of empirical dynamic modeling from time series
H Ye, A Clark, E Deyle, S Munch, O Keyes, J Cai, E White, J Cowles, ...
R package version 0.7 1, 2018
Water-driven microbial nitrogen transformations in biological soil crusts causing atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric oxide emissions
S Maier, AM Kratz, J Weber, M Prass, F Liu, AT Clark, RMM Abed, H Su, ...
The ISME Journal 16 (4), 1012-1024, 2022
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Articles 1–20