Borza Diana
Cited by
Cited by
High-Speed Video System for Micro-Expression Detection and Recognition
D Borza, R Danescu, R Itu, A Darabant
Sensors 17 (12), 2913, 2017
In the Eye of the Deceiver: Analyzing Eye Movements as a Cue to Deception
D Borza, R Itu, R Danescu
Journal of Imaging 4 (10), 120, 2018
Real-Time Detection and Measurement of Eye Features from Color Images
D Borza, AS Darabant, R Danescu
Sensors 16 (7), 1105, 2016
Eyeglasses lens contour extraction from facial images using an efficient shape description
D Borza, AS Darabant, R Danescu
Sensors 13 (10), 13638-13658, 2013
Recognizing Human Races through Machine Learning—A Multi-Network, Multi-Features Study
AS Darabant, D Borza, R Danescu
Mathematics 9 (2), 195, 2021
An attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestrian attributes recognition
E Yaghoubi, D Borza, J Neves, A Kumar, H Proença
Image and Vision Computing 102, 103981, 2020
A deep learning approach to hair segmentation and color extraction from facial images
D Borza, T Ileni, A Darabant
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 19th International …, 2018
Cloud SLA negotiation for energy saving—A particle swarm optimization approach
G Copil, D Moldovan, I Salomie, T Cioara, I Anghel, D Borza
2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication …, 2012
Automatic extrinsic camera parameters calibration using Convolutional Neural Networks
R Itu, D Borza, R Danescu
2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer …, 2017
Human Attribute Recognition—A Comprehensive Survey
E Yaghoubi, F Khezeli, D Borza, SVA Kumar, J Neves, H Proença
Applied Sciences 10 (16), 5608, 2020
Micro Expression Detection and Recognition from High Speed Cameras using Convolutional Neural Networks.
D Borza, R Itu, R Danescu
VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), 201-208, 2018
You look so different! Haven’t I seen you a long time ago?
E Yaghoubi, D Borza, B Degardin, H Proença
Image and Vision Computing 115, 104288, 2021
Findings from teaching entrepreneurship to undergraduate multidisciplinary students: case study
MA Petrescu, DL Borza, DM Suciu
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Education through Advanced …, 2022
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications.
D Borza, AS Darabant, R Danescu
VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP), 466-473, 2018
Automatic gender recognition for “in the wild” facial images using convolutional neural networks
SC Nistor, AC Marina, AS Darabant, D Borza
2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer …, 2017
Real-time micro-expression detection from high speed cameras
D Borza, R Itu, R Danescu
2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer …, 2017
Fast In-the-Wild Hair Segmentation and Color Classification.
TA Ileni, DL Borza, AS Darabant
VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP), 59-66, 2019
Teacher or supervisor? Effective online knowledge distillation via guided collaborative learning
DL Borza, TA Ileni, AI Marinescu, SA Darabant
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 228, 103632, 2023
Person re-identification: Implicitly defining the receptive fields of deep learning classification frameworks
E Yaghoubi, D Borza, SVA Kumar, H Proença
Pattern Recognition Letters 145, 23-29, 2021
Detecting Micro-Expressions in Real Time Using High-Speed Video Sequences
R Danescu, D Borza, R Itu
Intelligent Video Surveillance, 2018
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Articles 1–20