Sorin Olaru
Sorin Olaru
Professor - Control Engineering, RTE Chair at CentraleSupélec, L2S, France
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Positive invariant sets for fault tolerant multisensor control schemes
S Olaru, JA De Doná, MM Seron, F Stoican
International Journal of Control 83 (12), 2622-2640, 2010
Comparison of overapproximation methods for stability analysis of networked control systems
WPMH Heemels, N Van De Wouw, RH Gielen, MCF Donkers, L Hetel, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM international conference on Hybrid systems …, 2010
On polytopic inclusions as a modeling framework for systems with time-varying delays
RH Gielen, S Olaru, M Lazar, W Heemels, N Van de Wouw, SI Niculescu
Automatica 46 (3), 615-619, 2010
Bipartite and cooperative output synchronizations of linear heterogeneous agents: A unified framework
FA Yaghmaie, R Su, FL Lewis, S Olaru
Automatica 80, 172-176, 2017
Implicit improved vertex control for uncertain, time-varying linear discrete-time systems with state and control constraints
HN Nguyen, PO Gutman, S Olaru, M Hovd
Automatica 49 (9), 2754-2759, 2013
Receding horizon flight control for trajectory tracking of autonomous aerial vehicles
I Prodan, S Olaru, R Bencatel, JB de Sousa, C Stoica, SI Niculescu
Control Engineering Practice 21 (10), 1334-1349, 2013
A parameterized polyhedra approach for explicit constrained predictive control
SB Olaru, D Dumur
Decision and Control, 2004. CDC. 43rd IEEE Conference on 2, 1580-1585 Vol. 2, 2004
Model-based analysis of an integrated zinc-air flow battery/zinc electrolyzer system
W Lao-Atiman, K Bumroongsil, A Arpornwichanop, ...
Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 15, 2019
Predictive control for linear systems with delayed input subject to constraints
S Olaru, SI Niculescu
Proc. IFAC World Congress, 2008
Mixed-integer programming in motion planning
D Ioan, I Prodan, S Olaru, F Stoican, SI Niculescu
Annual Reviews in Control 51, 65-87, 2021
An improved algorithm for combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming
C Feller, TA Johansen, S Olaru
Automatica 49 (5), 1370-1376, 2013
Fault tolerant control allowing sensor healthy-to-faulty and faulty-to-healthy transitions
MM Seron, JA De Doná, S Olaru
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (7), 1657-1669, 2011
Enhancements on the hyperplanes arrangements in mixed-integer programming techniques
I Prodan, F Stoican, S Olaru, SI Niculescu
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 154 (2), 549-572, 2012
Actuator-fault detection and isolation based on set-theoretic approaches
F Xu, V Puig, C Ocampo-Martinez, F Stoican, S Olaru
Journal of Process Control 24 (6), 947-956, 2014
On feasible sets for MPC and their approximations
F Scibilia, S Olaru, M Hovd
Automatica 47 (1), 133-139, 2011
Wireless ventilation control for large‐scale systems: the mining industrial case
E Witrant, A d'Innocenzo, G Sandou, F Santucci, MD Di Benedetto, ...
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2010
Discharge profile of a zinc-air flow battery at various electrolyte flow rates and discharge currents
A Abbasi, S Hosseini, A Somwangthanaroj, R Cheacharoen, S Olaru, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 196, 2020
Reference governor design for tracking problems with fault detection guarantees
F Stoican, S Olaru, MM Seron, JA De Doná
Journal of Process Control 22 (5), 829-836, 2012
Convex lifting: Theory and control applications
NA Nguyen, M Gulan, S Olaru, P Rodriguez-Ayerbe
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (5), 1243-1258, 2017
Discharge performance and dynamic behavior of refuellable zinc-air battery
W Lao-Atiman, S Olaru, A Arpornwichanop, S Kheawhom
Scientific data 6 (1), 168, 2019
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Articles 1–20