David Smith
David Smith
Principal Research Scientist, Data61, CSIRO, NICTA; Adjunct Assoc. Prof., ANU
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Cited by
Wireless body area networks: A survey
S Movassaghi, M Abolhasan, J Lipman, D Smith, A Jamalipour
IEEE Communications surveys & tutorials 16 (3), 1658-1686, 2014
Peer-to-peer trading in electricity networks: An overview
W Tushar, TK Saha, C Yuen, D Smith, HV Poor
IEEE transactions on smart grid 11 (4), 3185-3200, 2020
Economics of electric vehicle charging: A game theoretic approach
W Tushar, W Saad, HV Poor, DB Smith
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (4), 1767-1778, 2012
The impact of adverse weather conditions on autonomous vehicles: How rain, snow, fog, and hail affect the performance of a self-driving car
S Zang, M Ding, D Smith, P Tyler, T Rakotoarivelo, MA Kaafar
IEEE vehicular technology magazine 14 (2), 103-111, 2019
Energy storage sharing in smart grid: A modified auction-based approach
W Tushar, B Chai, C Yuen, S Huang, DB Smith, HV Poor, Z Yang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (3), 1462-1475, 2016
Three-party energy management with distributed energy resources in smart grid
W Tushar, B Chai, C Yuen, DB Smith, KL Wood, Z Yang, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (4), 2487-2498, 2014
Propagation models for body-area networks: A survey and new outlook
DB Smith, D Miniutti, TA Lamahewa, LW Hanlen
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 55 (5), 97-117, 2013
A survey of algorithms for distributed charging control of electric vehicles in smart grid
NI Nimalsiri, CP Mediwaththe, EL Ratnam, M Shaw, DB Smith, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (11), 4497-4515, 2019
Cost minimization of charging stations with photovoltaics: An approach with EV classification
W Tushar, C Yuen, S Huang, DB Smith, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (1), 156-169, 2015
Challenges in body area networks for healthcare: The MAC
A Boulis, D Smith, D Miniutti, L Libman, Y Tselishchev
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (5), 100-106, 2012
Prioritizing consumers in smart grid: A game theoretic approach
W Tushar, JA Zhang, DB Smith, HV Poor, S Thiébaux
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (3), 1429-1438, 2014
Price discrimination for energy trading in smart grid: A game theoretic approach
W Tushar, C Yuen, DB Smith, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (4), 1790-1801, 2016
An incentive-compatible energy trading framework for neighborhood area networks with shared energy storage
CP Mediwaththe, M Shaw, S Halgamuge, DB Smith, P Scott
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (1), 467-476, 2019
The value of collaboration in convex machine learning with differential privacy
N Wu, F Farokhi, D Smith, MA Kaafar
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 304-317, 2020
A dynamic game for electricity load management in neighborhood area networks
CP Mediwaththe, ER Stephens, DB Smith, A Mahanti
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (3), 1329-1336, 2015
Game theoretic model predictive control for distributed energy demand-side management
ER Stephens, DB Smith, A Mahanti
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (3), 1394-1402, 2014
Game-theoretic electric vehicle charging management resilient to non-ideal user behavior
CP Mediwaththe, DB Smith
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (11), 3486-3495, 2018
From load to net energy forecasting: Short-term residential forecasting for the blend of load and PV behind the meter
SE Razavi, A Arefi, G Ledwich, G Nourbakhsh, DB Smith, M Minakshi
IEEE Access 8, 224343-224353, 2020
First-and second-order statistical characterizations of the dynamic body area propagation channel of various bandwidths
DB Smith, LW Hanlen, J Zhang, D Miniutti, D Rodda, B Gilbert
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 66 (3), 187-203, 2011
Flexible resource allocation in device-to-device communications using stackelberg game theory
N Sawyer, DB Smith
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (1), 653-667, 2018
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Articles 1–20