Tomasz Maciazek
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Cited by
How many invariant polynomials are needed to decide local unitary equivalence of qubit states?
T Maciążek, M Oszmaniec, A Sawicki
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (9), 2013
Non-abelian quantum statistics on graphs
T Maciążek, A Sawicki
Communications in Mathematical Physics 371 (3), 921-973, 2019
Asymptotic properties of entanglement polytopes for large number of qubits
T Maciążek, A Sawicki
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2018, 2017
Homology groups for particles on one-connected graphs
T Maciążek, A Sawicki
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (6), 2017
Critical points of the linear entropy for pure L-qubit states
T Maciążek, A Sawicki
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (4), 045305, 2015
Geometric presentations of braid groups for particles on a graph
BH An, T Maciazek
Communications in Mathematical Physics 384 (2), 1109-1140, 2021
Quantum marginals from pure doubly excited states
T Maciazek, V Tsanov
Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (46), 5304, 2017
Implications of pinned occupation numbers for natural orbital expansions: I. Generalizing the concept of active spaces
C Schilling, CL Benavides-Riveros, A Lopes, T Maciążek, A Sawicki
New Journal of Physics 22 (2), 023001, 2020
Multipartite quantum correlations: symplectic and algebraic geometry approach
A Sawicki, T Maciażek, K Karnas, K Kowalczyk-Murynka, M Kuś, ...
Reports on Mathematical Physics 82 (1), 81-111, 2018
On the phase diagram of the anisotropic XY chain in transverse magnetic field
T Maciążek, J Wojtkiewicz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 441, 131-140, 2016
Repulsively diverging gradient of the density functional in the Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory
T Maciążek
New Journal of Physics 23 (11), 113006, 2021
Universal properties of anyon braiding on one-dimensional wire networks
T Maciążek, BH An
Physical Review B 102 (20), 201407, 2020
Non-abelian anyons on graphs from presentations of graph braid groups
T Maciążek
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2019, 2019
Implications of pinned occupation numbers for natural orbital expansions. II: Rigorous derivation and extension to non-fermionic systems
T Maciążek, A Sawicki, D Gross, A Lopes, C Schilling
New Journal of Physics 22 (2), 023002, 2020
Designing locally maximally entangled quantum states with arbitrary local symmetries
O Słowik, A Sawicki, T Maciążek
Quantum 5, 450, 2021
The probability distribution of spectral moments for the Gaussian beta-ensembles
T Maciążek, CH Joyner, U Smilansky
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2015, 2015
Can One Hear a Matrix? Recovering a Real Symmetric Matrix from Its Spectral Data
T Maciążek, U Smilansky
Annales Henri Poincaré 23, 1791–1829, 2022
Extending the planar theory of anyons to quantum wire networks
T Maciazek, A Conlon, G Vercleyen, JK Slingerland
Scipost Physics 18 (74), 2025
Solving one-body ensemble N-representability problems with spin
J Liebert, F Castillo, JP Labbé, T Maciazek, C Schilling
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.01805, 2024
Natural orbitals and their occupation numbers for free anyons in the magnetic gauge
J Cioslowski, OM Brown, T Maciazek
Physical Review A 109 (2), 023316, 2024
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Articles 1–20