Elizabeth Wenk
Elizabeth Wenk
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Cited by
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz
Global change biology 26, 119-188, 2020
BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody plants.
DS Falster, RA Duursma, MI Ishihara, DR Barneche, RG FitzJohn, ...
Ecological Society of America, 2015
Testing the generality of above‐ground biomass allometry across plant functional types at the continent scale
KI Paul, SH Roxburgh, J Chave, JR England, A Zerihun, A Specht, ...
Global change biology 22 (6), 2106-2124, 2016
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
D Falster, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 254, 2021
Short-term dynamics of an acacia ant community in Laikipia, Kenya
TM Palmer, TP Young, ML Stanton, E Wenk
Oecologia 123, 425-435, 2000
High fire frequency and the impact of the 2019–2020 megafires on Australian plant diversity
RV Gallagher, S Allen, BDE Mackenzie, CJ Yates, CR Gosper, DA Keith, ...
Diversity and Distributions 27 (7), 1166-1179, 2021
Quantifying and understanding reproductive allocation schedules in plants
EH Wenk, DS Falster
Ecology and evolution 5 (23), 5521-5538, 2015
The importance of seed reserves for seedling performance: an integrated approach using morphological, physiological, and stable isotope techniques
PG Kennedy, NJ Hausmann, EH Wenk, TE Dawson
Oecologia 141, 547-554, 2004
Functional diversity of the Australian flora: strong links to species richness and climate
SC Andrew, K Mokany, DS Falster, E Wenk, IJ Wright, C Merow, V Adams, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (2), e13018, 2021
Interspecific differences in seed germination, establishment, and early growth in relation to preferred soil type in an alpine community
EH Wenk, TE Dawson
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 39 (1), 165-176, 2007
Photographs as an essential biodiversity resource: drivers of gaps in the vascular plant photographic record
T Mesaglio, H Sauquet, D Coleman, E Wenk, WK Cornwell
New Phytologist 238 (4), 1685-1694, 2023
Environmental associations of abundance-weighted functional traits in Australian plant communities
GR Guerin, RV Gallagher, IJ Wright, SC Andrew, DS Falster, E Wenk, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 58, 98-109, 2022
A Global assessment of the Raunkiæran shortfall in plants: geographic biases in our knowledge of plant traits.
B Maitner, R Gallagher, JC Svenning, M Tietje, EH Wenk, WL Eiserhardt
New Phytologist 240 (4), 2023
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora, Sci. Data, 8, 254
D Falster, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, ...
Investment in reproduction for 14 iteroparous perennials is large and associated with other life‐history and functional traits
EH Wenk, K Abramowicz, M Westoby, DS Falster
Journal of Ecology 106 (4), 1338-1348, 2018
A workflow to create trait databases from collections of textual taxonomic descriptions
D Coleman, RV Gallagher, D Falster, H Sauquet, E Wenk
Ecological Informatics 78, 102312, 2023
Revisiting the role of mean annual precipitation in shaping functional trait distributions at a continental scale
IR Towers, PA Vesk, EH Wenk, RV Gallagher, SM Windecker, IJ Wright, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 29.546983, 2023
The AusTraits plant dictionary
EH Wenk, H Sauquet, RV Gallagher, R Brownlee, C Boettiger, D Coleman, ...
Scientific Data 11 (1), 537, 2024
State of the World's Plants and Fungi, 2023: Tackling the Nature Emergency: Evidence, Gaps and Priorities
A Antonelli, C Fry, RJ Smith, J Eden, RHA Govaerts, P Kersey, ...
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2023
Coordinated shifts in allocation among reproductive tissues across 14 coexisting plant species
EH Wenk, K Abramowicz, M Westoby, DS Falster
BioRxiv, 141473, 2017
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Articles 1–20