Alexandra Kalev
Cited by
Cited by
Best practices or best guesses? Assessing the efficacy of corporate affirmative action and diversity policies
A Kalev, F Dobbin, E Kelly
American sociological review 71 (4), 589-617, 2006
Why Diversity Programs Fail
F Dobbin, A Kalev
Harvard Business Review 94 (7-8), 52-60, 2016
Rage against the iron cage: The varied effects of bureaucratic personnel reforms on diversity
F Dobbin, D Schrage, A Kalev
American Sociological Review 80 (5), 1014-1044, 2015
You can’t always get what you need: Organizational determinants of diversity programs
F Dobbin, S Kim, A Kalev
American Sociological Review 76 (3), 386-411, 2011
Why doesn't diversity training work? The challenge for industry and academia
F Dobbin, A Kalev
Anthropology Now 10 (2), 48-55, 2018
Cracking the Glass Cages? Restructuring and Ascriptive Inequality at Work
A Kalev
American Journal of Sociology 114 (6), 1591-1643, 2009
Managing flexible work arrangements in US organizations: Formalized discretion or ‘a right to ask’
EL Kelly, A Kalev
Socio-Economic Review 4 (3), 379-416, 2006
Diversity Management in Corporate America: Do America’s costly diversity management programs work? Not always
F Dobbin, A Kalev, E Kelly
Contexts 6 (4), 21-28, 2007
Enforcement of civil rights law in private workplaces: The effects of compliance reviews and lawsuits over time
A Kalev, F Dobbin
Law & Social Inquiry 31 (4), 855-903, 2006
The origins and effects of corporate diversity programs
F Dobbin, A Kalev
The Oxford handbook of diversity and work, 253-281, 2013
Women at work: Women’s access to power and the gender earnings gap
AK Abendroth, S Melzer, A Kalev, D Tomaskovic-Devey
ILR Review 70 (1), 190-222, 2017
How you downsize is who you downsize: Biased formalization, accountability, and managerial diversity
A Kalev
American Sociological Review 79 (1), 109-135, 2014
Getting to diversity: What works and what doesn’t
F Dobbin, A Kalev
Harvard University Press, 2022
The promise and peril of sexual harassment programs
F Dobbin, A Kalev
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (25), 12255-12260, 2019
Discrimination-reducing measures at the relational level
TK Green, A Kalev
Hastings LJ 59, 1435, 2007
Are diversity programs merely ceremonial? Evidence-free institutionalization
F Dobbin, A Kalev
The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism 2, 808-828, 2017
Racial discrimination, interpretation, and legitimation at work
R Light, VJ Roscigno, A Kalev
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 634 (1 …, 2011
The architecture of inclusion: Evidence from corporate diversity programs
F Dobbin, A Kalev
Harv. JL & Gender 30, 279, 2007
Gender inequality and workplace organizations: Understanding reproduction and change
A Kalev, G Deutsch
Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, 257-269, 2018
Training programs and reporting systems won’t end sexual harassment. Promoting more women will
F Dobbin, A Kalev
Harvard Business Review 70 (4), 687-702, 2017
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Articles 1–20