Milorad Novicevic
Cited by
Cited by
Authentic leadership: A historical perspective
MM Novicevic, MG Harvey, M Ronald, JA Brown-Radford
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 13 (1), 64-76, 2006
Implementing realistic job previews and expectation-lowering procedures: A field experiment
MR Buckley, TA Mobbs, JL Mendoza, MM Novicevic, SM Carraher, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 61 (2), 263-278, 2002
Awareness of temporal complexity in leadership of creativity and innovation: A competency-based model
JRB Halbesleben, MM Novicevic, MG Harvey, MR Buckley
The Leadership Quarterly 14 (4-5), 433-454, 2003
Religiosity and moral identity: The mediating role of self-control
SJ Vitell, MN Bing, HK Davison, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic
Journal of Business Ethics 88, 601-613, 2009
The prediction of task and contextual performance by political skill: A meta-analysis and moderator test
MN Bing, HK Davison, I Minor, MM Novicevic, DD Frink
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (2), 563-577, 2011
Selecting expatriates for increasingly complex global assignments
M Harvey, MM Novicevic
Career Development International 6 (2), 69-87, 2001
The role of inpatriation in global staffing
M Harvey, C Speier, MM Novicevic
International Journal of Human Resource Management 10 (3), 459-476, 1999
Inpatriate managers: How to increase the probability of success
MG Harvey, MM Novicevic, C Speier
Human resource management review 9 (1), 51-81, 1999
Challenges to staffing global virtual teams
M Harvey, MM Novicevic, G Garrison
Human Resource Management Review 14 (3), 275-294, 2004
Strategic global human resource management: The role of inpatriate managers
MG Harvey, C Speier, MM Novicevic
Human Resource Management Review 10 (2), 153-175, 2000
Dual‐perspective SWOT: a synthesis of marketing intelligence and planning
MM Novicevic, M Harvey, CW Autry, EU Bond III
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 22 (1), 84-94, 2004
Reducing inpatriate managers’‘liability of foreignness’ by addressing stigmatization and stereotype threats
M Harvey, MM Novicevic, MR Buckley, H Fung
Journal of World Business 40 (3), 267-280, 2005
Overclaiming as a measure of faking
MN Bing, D Kluemper, HK Davison, S Taylor, M Novicevic
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 116 (1), 148-162, 2011
Barnard on conflicts of responsibility: Implications for today's perspectives on transformational and authentic leadership
MM Novicevic, W Davis, F Dorn, MR Buckley, JA Brown
Management Decision 43 (10), 1396-1409, 2005
The hypercompetitive global marketplace: the importance of intuition and creativity in expatriate managers
M Harvey, MM Novicevic
Journal of World Business 37 (2), 127-138, 2002
The changing role of the corporate HR function in global organizations of the twenty-first century
MM Novicevic, M Harvey
International Journal of Human Resource Management 12 (8), 1251-1268, 2001
An innovative global management staffing system: A competency‐based perspective
MG Harvey, MM Novicevic, C Speier
Human Resource Management 39 (4), 381-394, 2000
Mentoring dual-career expatriates: A sense-making and sense-giving social support process
M Harvey, MR Buckley, MM Novicevic, D Wiese
International Journal of Human Resource Management 10 (5), 808-827, 1999
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr: historical impact and historical scope of his works
J Smothers, M Hayek, LA Bynum, MM Novicevic, MR Buckley, S Carraher
Journal of Management History 16 (4), 521-526, 2010
Career success of immigrant professionals: Stock and flow of their career capital
T Fang, J Zikic, MM Novicevic
International Journal of Manpower 30 (5), 472-488, 2009
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Articles 1–20