A Pseudo-Response Regulator is misexpressed in the photoperiod insensitive Ppd-D1a mutant of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) J Beales, A Turner, S Griffiths, JW Snape, DA Laurie Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115, 721-733, 2007 | 1012 | 2007 |
Raising yield potential of wheat. III. Optimizing partitioning to grain while maintaining lodging resistance MJ Foulkes, GA Slafer, WJ Davies, PM Berry, R Sylvester-Bradley, ... Journal of experimental botany 62 (2), 469-486, 2011 | 745 | 2011 |
Achieving yield gains in wheat M Reynolds, J Foulkes, R Furbank, S Griffiths, J King, E Murchie, M Parry, ... Plant, cell & environment 35 (10), 1799-1823, 2012 | 714 | 2012 |
The Evolution of CONSTANS-Like Gene Families in Barley, Rice, and Arabidopsis S Griffiths, RP Dunford, G Coupland, DA Laurie Plant physiology 131 (4), 1855-1867, 2003 | 631 | 2003 |
Molecular characterization of Ph1 as a major chromosome pairing locus in polyploid wheat S Griffiths, R Sharp, TN Foote, I Bertin, M Wanous, S Reader, I Colas, ... Nature 439 (7077), 749-752, 2006 | 614 | 2006 |
Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, H Abbass, A Abbott, ... The Lancet 397 (10285), 1637-1645, 2021 | 545* | 2021 |
A genetic framework for grain size and shape variation in wheat VC Gegas, A Nazari, S Griffiths, J Simmonds, L Fish, S Orford, L Sayers, ... The Plant Cell 22 (4), 1046-1056, 2010 | 536 | 2010 |
High‐density SNP genotyping array for hexaploid wheat and its secondary and tertiary gene pool MO Winfield, AM Allen, AJ Burridge, GLA Barker, HR Benbow, ... Plant biotechnology journal 14 (5), 1195-1206, 2016 | 435 | 2016 |
Identification of traits to improve the nitrogen-use efficiency of wheat genotypes O Gaju, V Allard, P Martre, JW Snape, E Heumez, J LeGouis, D Moreau, ... Field Crops Research 123 (2), 139-152, 2011 | 393 | 2011 |
Characterization of a Wheat Breeders’ Array suitable for high‐throughput SNP genotyping of global accessions of hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) AM Allen, MO Winfield, AJ Burridge, RC Downie, HR Benbow, ... Plant biotechnology journal 15 (3), 390-401, 2017 | 371 | 2017 |
Molecular characterization of transforming plasmid rearrangements in transgenic rice reveals a recombination hotspot in the CaMV 35S promoter and confirms the predominance of … A Kohli, S Griffiths, N Palacios, RM Twyman, P Vain, DA Laurie, ... The Plant Journal 17 (6), 591-601, 1999 | 311 | 1999 |
Baricitinib in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial and updated meta-analysis O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, J Abbas, K Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, ... The Lancet 400 (10349), 359-368, 2022 | 285 | 2022 |
Meta-QTL analysis of the genetic control of ear emergence in elite European winter wheat germplasm S Griffiths, J Simmonds, M Leverington, Y Wang, L Fish, L Sayers, ... Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119, 383-395, 2009 | 282 | 2009 |
Phenotyping pipeline reveals major seedling root growth QTL in hexaploid wheat JA Atkinson, LU Wingen, M Griffiths, MP Pound, O Gaju, MJ Foulkes, ... Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (8), 2283-2292, 2015 | 260 | 2015 |
Anthesis date mainly explained correlations between post-anthesis leaf senescence, grain yield, and grain protein concentration in a winter wheat population segregating for … M Bogard, M Jourdan, V Allard, P Martre, MR Perretant, C Ravel, ... Journal of experimental botany 62 (10), 3621-3636, 2011 | 255 | 2011 |
Genetic and physiological analysis of Rht8 in bread wheat: an alternative source of semi-dwarfism with a reduced sensitivity to brassinosteroids D Gasperini, A Greenland, P Hedden, R Dreos, W Harwood, S Griffiths Journal of experimental botany 63 (12), 4419, 2012 | 189 | 2012 |
Leaf photosynthesis and associations with grain yield, biomass and nitrogen-use efficiency in landraces, synthetic-derived lines and cultivars in wheat O Gaju, J DeSilva, P Carvalho, MJ Hawkesford, S Griffiths, A Greenland, ... Field Crops Research 193, 1-15, 2016 | 186 | 2016 |
Discovery and development of exome‐based, co‐dominant single nucleotide polymorphism markers in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) AM Allen, GLA Barker, P Wilkinson, A Burridge, M Winfield, J Coghill, ... Plant biotechnology journal 11 (3), 279-295, 2013 | 171 | 2013 |
Meta-QTL analysis of the genetic control of crop height in elite European winter wheat germplasm S Griffiths, J Simmonds, M Leverington, Y Wang, L Fish, L Sayers, ... Molecular Breeding 29, 159-171, 2012 | 163 | 2012 |
Detailed Dissection of the Chromosomal Region Containing the Ph1 Locus in Wheat Triticum aestivum: With Deletion Mutants and Expression Profiling N Al-Kaff, E Knight, I Bertin, T Foote, N Hart, S Griffiths, G Moore Annals of botany 101 (6), 863-872, 2008 | 151 | 2008 |