Dr. Katryna Starks
Cited by
Cited by
Cognitive behavioral game design: a unified model for designing serious games
K Starks
Frontiers in psychology 5, 28, 2014
Using Twine as a therapeutic writing tool for creating serious games
K Starks, D Barker, A Cole
Serious Games: Second Joint International Conference, JCSG 2016, Brisbane …, 2016
Gamechange (h) er: How nancy drew video games build strong girls
K Starks, C Jones, M Katsikitis
Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction …, 2014
Branched and parsed: The tools of interactive narrative writing
K Starks
TEXT - Special Issues Series - Writing and Gaming, 2018
Dietetic education in the 21st Century: Is it all just fun and games?
HH Wright, J Tweedie, U Terton, G Smyth, K Starks, W Ravyse, T Ashford
Nutrition & dietetics 74 (Supplement 1), 48, 2017
Playful PHI: Using Cognitive Behavioral Game Design (CBGD) to Create a COVID-19 Prevention Game, Vaccine Nation
K Starks
The International Journal of Games and Social Impact 2 (1), 95-115, 2024
Guidelines for ludonarrative conversion: a case study for a children's book converted to a game
K Starks
The International Journal of Games and Social Impact 1 (2), 119-139, 2023
Girls and Identity: Getting in the Game
K Starks
Creativity Re-booted: Platforms and Possibilities for Children’s Storytelling, 2019
CliNCare: An innovative approach to improve self-confidence and clinical reasoning in the nutrition care process
HH Wright, J Tweedie, U Terton, K Starks, T Ashford, G Smyth, W Ravyse
Gathering of Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialists (SimGHOSTS) 2018 …, 2018
Engineers learning about entrepreneurship: The journey through the lens of an engineering academic
H Fairweather, MJ de Villiers Scheepers, R Barnes, JA Taylor, I Visser, ...
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association …, 2017
Using Video Games to Foster Health Promoting Behaviors
K Starks
Walden University, 2009
Gamechange (H) er: Exploring The Video Game Design Elements That May Impact The Agency And Identity Of Adolescent Girls
K Starks
University of the Sunshine Coast, 0
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Articles 1–12