Rezida Zakirova
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Cited by
Outcomes from Combining Work and Tertiary Study. A National Vocational Education and Training Research and Evaluation Program Report.
C Polidano, R Zakirova
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2011
Studying beyond Age 25: Who Does It and What Do They Gain? Research Report.
M Coelli, D Tabasso, R Zakirova
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2012
Returns to education: accounting for enrolment and completion effects
N Hérault, R Zakirova
Education Economics 23 (1), 84-100, 2015
The effects of macroeconomic conditions on the education and employment outcomes of youth
N Hérault, W Kostenko, G Marks, R Zakirova
Australian Journal of Labour Economics 15 (1), 17-36, 2012
The Effect of VET Completion on the Wages of Young People.
N Herault, R Zakirova, H Buddelmeyer
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2011
Children’s participation in early childhood education and care, and their developmental outcomes by Year 5: A comparison between disadvantaged and advantaged children
G Kalb, D Tabasso, R Zakirova
Report for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations …, 2014
Graduate employment outcomes for international students
H Buddelmeyer, J van de Ven, R Zakirova
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of …, 2013
Dynamics of Household Joblessness: Evidence from Australian Micro-Data 2001-2007
N Hérault, GRJ Kalb, R Zakirova
Melbourne Institute Working Paper, 2011
Sheepskin effects in the returns to education: accounting for enrolment and completion effects
N Hérault, R Zakirova
Melbourne Institute Working Paper, 2011
Human Capital and the Patterns of Employment and Welfare Receipt
L Cai, K Mavromaras, R Zakirova, YK Fok
Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Employment and …, 2008
A Study into the Persistence of Living in a Jobless Household
N Hérault, G Kalb, R Zakirova
Economic Record 91 (293), 209-232, 2015
Dynamics of household joblessness in Australia
N Hérault, G Kalb, K Mavromaras, L Platt, R Zakirova
Report of Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research for …, 2009
Combining income support and earnings
H Buddelmeyer, L Cai, R Zakirova
Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Education …, 2009
Income support recipients with disability on DSP and NSA: their characteristics, income support duration and employment participation
B Hanel, D McVicar, R Zakirova
Melbourne: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 2013
The outcomes of early school leaving for disadvantaged students: the role of non-cognitive skills
B Hanel, D Tabasso, R Zakirova
Melbourne, Victoria, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social …, 2012
Studying beyond age 25: who does it and what do they gain?
D Tabasso, M Coelli, R Zakirova
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 2012
1 Earnings, Occupations and Labour Market Experience in Australia; 1997-2005 Michael Dobbie and Craig MacMillan 17 The Effects of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Education and …
N Hérault, W Kostenko, G Marks, R Zakirova, HQ Vu, T Stromback
Australian Journal of Labour Economics 15 (1), 2012
The outcomes of early school leaving for disadvantaged students: the role of non-cognitive skills
D Tabasso, B Hanel, R Zakirova
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 2012
Dynamics of Household Joblessness: Evidence from Australian Micro-Data 2001–2007
G Kalb, R Zakirova, N Herault
The education and employment outcomes of youth in school-to-work transition
N Hérault, W Kostenko, G Marks, R Zakirova
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Articles 1–20