Menkes van den Briel
Menkes van den Briel
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America west airlines develops efficient boarding strategies
MHL Van Den Briel, JR Villalobos, GL Hogg, T Lindemann, AV Mulé
Interfaces 35 (3), 191-201, 2005
Effective approaches for partial satisfaction (over-subscription) planning
RS Menkes Van Den Briel, MB Do, S Kambhampati
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 562-569, 2004
An LP-based heuristic for optimal planning
M Van Den Briel, J Benton, S Kambhampati, T Vossen
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP 2007: 13th …, 2007
Residential demand response under uncertainty
P Scott, S Thiébaux, M Van Den Briel, P Van Hentenryck
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: 19th International …, 2013
Reviving Integer Programming Approaches for AI Planning: A Branch-and-Cut Framework.
M Van Den Briel, T Vossen, S Kambhampati
ICAPS, 310-319, 2005
Planning with Goal Utility Dependencies.
MB Do, J Benton, M Van Den Briel, S Kambhampati
IJCAI, 1872-1878, 2007
Flow-based heuristics for optimal planning: Landmarks and merges
B Bonet, M Van Den Briel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2014
Optiplan: Unifying IP-based and graph-based planning
MHL Van Den Briel, S Kambhampati
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 24, 919-931, 2005
A Hybrid Linear Programming and Relaxed Plan Heuristic for Partial Satisfaction Planning Problems.
J Benton, M Van Den Briel, S Kambhampati
ICAPS, 34-41, 2007
The aircraft boarding problem
MHL van den Briel, JR Villalobos, GL Hogg
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2003
Loosely coupled formulations for automated planning: An integer programming perspective
MHL van den Briel, T Vossen, S Kambhampati
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 31, 217-257, 2008
Hvac-aware occupancy scheduling
BP Lim, M Van Den Briel, S Thiébaux, S Backhaus, R Bent
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 29 (1), 2015
Over-subscription in planning: A partial satisfaction problem
RS Menkes van den Briel, S Kambhampati
ICAPS 2004 Workshop on Integrating Planning into Scheduling, 2004
A column generation approach for the scheduling of patrol boats to provide complete patrol coverage
PA Chircop, TJ Surendonk, MHL van den Briel, T Walsh
Proceedings of the 20th international congress on modelling and simulation, 1-6, 2013
Fluent merging: A general technique to improve reachability heuristics and factored planning
M van den Briel, S Kambhampati, T Vossen
ICAPS 2007 Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-Independent Planning: Progress …, 2007
Controlling operation of energy-consuming devices
S Thiébaux, BP Lim, P Van Hentenryck, M Van Den Briel
US Patent 10,837,666, 2020
Planning with preferences and trajectory constraints by integer programming
M van den Briel, S Kambhampati, T Vossen
Proceedings of the Workshop on Preferences and Soft Constraints in Planning …, 2006
Online HVAC-aware occupancy scheduling with adaptive temperature control
BP Lim, H Hijazi, S Thiébaux, M van den Briel
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: 22nd International …, 2016
Optiplan: A planner based on integer programming
M Van den Briel, S Kambhampati
JAIR 24, 919-931, 2005
A branch-and-price framework for the maximum covering and patrol routing problem
PA Chircop, TJ Surendonk, MHL van den Briel, T Walsh
Data and Decision Sciences in Action 2: Proceedings of the ASOR/DORS …, 2021
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Articles 1–20