Frances Lin
Frances Lin
Professor, Flinders University, SA, Australia
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Cited by
Global prevalence and incidence of pressure injuries in hospitalised adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Z Li, F Lin, L Thalib, W Chaboyer
International journal of nursing studies 105, 103546, 2020
Use of short peripheral intravenous catheters: characteristics, management, and outcomes worldwide
E Alexandrou, G Ray‐Barruel, PJ Carr, SA Frost, S Inwood, N Higgins, ...
Journal of hospital medicine 13 (5), E1-E7, 2018
International prevalence of the use of peripheral intravenous catheters
E Alexandrou, G Ray‐Barruel, PJ Carr, S Frost, S Inwood, N Higgins, ...
Journal of hospital medicine 10 (8), 530-533, 2015
Correction to: Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study
SO Labeau, E Afonso, J Benbenishty, B Blackwood, C Boulanger, SJ Brett, ...
Intensive care medicine 47 (4), 503-520, 2021
Incidence and prevalence of pressure injuries in adult intensive care patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
WP Chaboyer, L Thalib, EL Harbeck, FM Coyer, S Blot, CF Bull, ...
Critical care medicine 46 (11), e1074-e1081, 2018
Dressings and securement devices for central venous catheters (CVC)
AJ Ullman, ML Cooke, M Mitchell, F Lin, K New, DA Long, G Mihala, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015
Interventions to improve communication between nurses and physicians in the intensive care unit: An integrative literature review
YY Wang, QQ Wan, F Lin, WJ Zhou, SM Shang
International journal of nursing sciences 5 (1), 81-88, 2018
Burnout among hospital nurses in China
F Lin, W St John, C Mcveigh
Journal of nursing management 17 (3), 294-301, 2009
A literature review of organisational, individual and teamwork factors contributing to the ICU discharge process
F Lin, W Chaboyer, M Wallis
Australian Critical Care 22 (1), 29-43, 2009
Early rehabilitation in the intensive care unit: an integrative literature review
K Sosnowski, F Lin, ML Mitchell, H White
Australian Critical Care 28 (4), 216-225, 2015
The effectiveness of multicomponent pressure injury prevention programs in adult intensive care patients: a systematic review
F Lin, Z Wu, B Song, F Coyer, W Chaboyer
International Journal of Nursing Studies 102, 103483, 2020
A review of virtual-simulation for assessing healthcare students' clinical competency
E Coyne, P Calleja, E Forster, F Lin
Nurse Education Today 96, 104623, 2021
Preventing surgical site infections: Facilitators and barriers to nurses’ adherence to clinical practice guidelines—A qualitative study
F Lin, BM Gillespie, W Chaboyer, Y Li, K Whitelock, N Morley, S Morrissey, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 28 (9-10), 1643-1652, 2019
Implementing early mobilisation in the intensive care unit: An integrative review
WC Sonja Phelan, Frances Lin, Marion Mitchell
international journal of nursing studies, 2017
The prevalence, incidence, and associated factors of pressure injuries among immobile inpatients: A multicentre, cross‐sectional, exploratory descriptive study in China
Y Liu, X Wu, Y Ma, Z Li, J Cao, J Jiao, G Liu, F Li, B Song, J Jin, Y Liu, ...
International wound journal 16 (2), 459-466, 2019
Factors associated with breast cancer screening participation among women in mainland China: a systematic review
Z Wu, Y Liu, X Li, B Song, C Ni, F Lin
BMJ open 9 (8), e028705, 2019
Dressing and securement for central venous access devices (CVADs): A Cochrane systematic review
AJ Ullman, ML Cooke, M Mitchell, F Lin, K New, DA Long, G Mihala, ...
International journal of nursing studies 59, 177-196, 2016
Factors contributing to the process of intensive care patient discharge: an ethnographic study informed by activity theory
F Lin, W Chaboyer, M Wallis, A Miller
International Journal of Nursing Studies 50 (8), 1054-1066, 2013
Nurses' practice in preventing postoperative wound infections: an observational study
S Ding, F Lin, AP Marshall, BM Gillespie
Journal of wound care 26 (1), 28-37, 2017
Redesigning the ICU nursing discharge process: a quality improvement study
W Chaboyer, F Lin, M Foster, L Retallick, K Panuwatwanich, B Richards
Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing 9 (1), 40-48, 2012
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Articles 1–20