Christopher J. O'Donnell
Christopher J. O'Donnell
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An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
TJ Coelli, DSP Rao, CJ O'Donnell, GE Battese
New York: Springer, 2005
Metafrontier frameworks for the study of firm-level efficiencies and technology ratios
CJ O’Donnell, DSP Rao, GE Battese
Empirical economics 34, 231-255, 2008
A metafrontier production function for estimation of technical efficiencies and technology gaps for firms operating under different technologies
GE Battese, DSP Rao, CJ O'donnell
Journal of productivity analysis 21, 91-103, 2004
Predicting the severity of motor vehicle accident injuries using models of ordered multiple choice
CJ O'donnell, DH Connor
Accident Analysis & Prevention 28 (6), 739-753, 1996
An aggregate quantity framework for measuring and decomposing productivity change
CJ O’Donnell
Journal of productivity analysis 38, 255-272, 2012
Measuring and decomposing agricultural productivity and profitability change
CJ O’Donnell
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 54 (4), 527-560, 2010
A Bayesian approach to imposing curvature on distance functions
CJ O’Donnell, TJ Coelli
Journal of Econometrics 126 (2), 493-523, 2005
Nonparametric Estimates of the Components of Productivity and Profitability Change in U.S. Agriculture
CJ O'Donnell
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94 (4), 873-890, 2012
Econometric estimation of distance functions and associated measures of productivity and efficiency change
CJ O’Donnell
Journal of productivity analysis 41, 187-200, 2014
Metafrontier functions for the study of inter-regional productivity differences
DSP Rao, CJ O’Donnell, GE Battese
Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis Working Paper 1, 2003
Productivity and Efficiency Analysis: An Economic Approach to Measuring and Explaining Managerial Performance
CJ O'Donnell
Springer Nature, Singapore, 2018
Estimating state‐contingent production frontiers
CJ O'Donnell, WE Griffiths
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (1), 249-266, 2006
Using information about technologies, markets and firm behaviour to decompose a proper productivity index
CJ O’Donnell
Journal of econometrics 190 (2), 328-340, 2016
Efficiency analysis in the presence of uncertainty
CJ O’Donnell, RG Chambers, J Quiggin
Journal of Productivity Analysis 33, 1-17, 2010
Metatechnology frontier and convexity: A restatement
K Kerstens, C O’donnell, I Van de Woestyne
European Journal of Operational Research 275 (2), 780-792, 2019
Using demographic risk factors to explain variations in the incidence of violence against women
CJ O'donnell, A Smith, JR Madison
Journal of interpersonal violence 17 (12), 1239-1262, 2002
The sources of productivity change in the manufacturing sectors of the US economy
CJ O'Donnell
CEPA Working Papers Series, 2011
Imposing regularity conditions on a system of cost and factor share equations
WE Griffiths, CJ O’Donnell, AT Cruz
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44 (1), 107-127, 2000
Regional comparisons of banking performance in South Africa
CJ O'DONNELL, G Westhuizen
South African Journal of Economics 70 (3), 224-240, 2002
A new look at the decomposition of agricultural productivity growth incorporating weather effects
E Njuki, BE Bravo-Ureta, CJ O’Donnell
PloS one 13 (2), e0192432, 2018
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Articles 1–20