Thu Phuong Pham
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of natural disasters on household income, expenditure, poverty and inequality: evidence from Vietnam
AT Bui, M Dungey, CV Nguyen, TP Pham
Applied Economics 46 (15), 1751-1766, 2014
The curious case of changes in trading dynamics: When firms switch from NYSE to NASDAQ
VA Dang, D Michayluk, TP Pham
Journal of Financial Markets, 2018
The effect of tuition fee reduction and education subsidy on school enrollment: Evidence from Vietnam
TA Bui, CV Nguyen, KD Nguyen, HH Nguyen, PT Pham
Children and Youth Services Review 108, 104536, 2020
Female leadership and borrowing constraints: Evidence from an emerging economy
AT Bui, CV Nguyen, TP Pham, DT Phung
International Review of Financial Analysis 81, 101332, 2022
Legal and financial constraints and firm growth: small and medium enterprises (SMEs) versus large enterprises
AT Bui, TP Pham, LC Pham, TK Van Ta
Heliyon 7 (12), 2021
Poverty among ethnic minorities: the transition process, inequality and economic growth
AT Bui, CV Nguyen, TP Pham
Applied Economics 49 (31), 3114-3128, 2017
Impact of foreign investment on household welfare: Evidence from Vietnam
AT Bui, CV Nguyen, TP Pham
Journal of Asian Economics 64, 101130, 2019
Does idiosyncratic risk matter? Evidence from mergers and acquisitions
P Nguyen, Y Ben Zaied, TP Pham
The Journal of Risk Finance 20 (4), 313-329, 2019
Latency reduction and market quality: The case of the Australian Stock Exchange
H Murray, TP Pham, H Singh
International Review of Financial Analysis 46, 257-265, 2016
Intra-Day Revelation of Counterparty Identity in the World's Best-Lit Market
TP Pham, PL Swan, PJ Westerholm
28th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, 2016
Broker id transparency and price impact of trades: Evidence from the korean exchange
TP Pham
International Journal of Managerial Finance 11 (1), 117-131, 2015
The Impact of Bank Loan Announcements on Stock Liquidity
TP Pham, H Singh, VH Vu
International Review of Economics and Finance, 2023
Bank systemic risk: An analysis of the sovereign rating ceiling policy and rating downgrades
MA Wasi, TP Pham, R Zurbruegg
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2022
Legal and financial constraints and firm growth: small and medium enterprises (SMEs) versus large enterprises. Heliyon 7 (12): e08576
AT Bui, TP Pham, LC Pham, TK Van Ta
An international trend in market design: Endogenous effects of limit order book transparency on volatility, spreads, depth and volume
TP Pham, PJ Westerholm
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 27, 202-223, 2013
Geopolitical Risk, Financial Constraints, and Tax Avoidance
T Haque, TP Pham, J Yang
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2023
Financial and labour obstacles and firm employment: evidence from europe and central asia firms
AT Bui, TP Pham
Sustainability 13 (15), 8650, 2021
Impacts of economic integration on living standards and poverty reduction of rural households
T Bui, M Dungey, C Nguyen, P Pham
A survey of research into broker identity and limit order book transparency
T Pham, J Westerholm
Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal 9 (1), 2020
Stock price synchronicity and stock liquidity: international evidence
P Brockman, TL Dang, TP Pham
Journal of Empirical Finance 79, 101541, 2024
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Articles 1–20