Dawit N Bekele
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Cited by
Removal of emerging micropollutants by activated sludge process and membrane bioreactors and the effects of micropollutants on membrane fouling: A review
AT Besha, AY Gebreyohannes, RA Tufa, DN Bekele, E Curcio, L Giorno
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 5 (3), 2395-2414, 2017
Recent advances in surfactant-enhanced In-Situ Chemical Oxidation for the remediation of non-aqueous phase liquid contaminated soils and aquifers
AT Besha, DN Bekele, R Naidu, S Chadalavada
Environmental Technology & Innovation 9, 303-322, 2018
Uncertainties in human health risk assessment of environmental contaminants: a review and perspective
Z Dong, Y Liu, L Duan, D Bekele, R Naidu
Environment international 85, 120-132, 2015
Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Current status and research needs
R Naidu, P Nadebaum, C Fang, I Cousins, K Pennell, J Conder, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 19, 100915, 2020
Sustainability and environmental ethics for the application of engineered nanoparticles
AT Besha, Y Liu, DN Bekele, Z Dong, R Naidu, GN Gebremariam
Environmental Science & Policy 103, 85-98, 2020
Permeable reactive barrier: sustainable groundwater remediation
R Naidu, V Birke
Taylor & Francis, 2015
Assessing the interactions between micropollutants and nanoparticles in engineered and natural aquatic environments
AT Besha, Y Liu, C Fang, DN Bekele, R Naidu
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 50 (2), 135-215, 2020
Assessment of the impact of landfill leachate on groundwater and surrounding surface water: a case study of Mekelle city, Northern Ethiopia
T Alemayehu, G Mebrahtu, A Hadera, DN Bekele
Sustainable Water Resources Management 5 (4), 1641-1649, 2019
A review of electrokinetically enhanced bioremediation technologies for PHs
A Saini, DN Bekele, S Chadalavada, C Fang, R Naidu
Journal of Environmental Sciences 88, 31-45, 2020
A method for separation of heavy metal sources in urban groundwater using multiple lines of evidence
E Hepburn, A Northway, D Bekele, GJ Liu, M Currell
Environmental Pollution 241, 787-799, 2018
Chemicals of concern in construction and demolition waste fine residues: A systematic literature review
AS Molla, P Tang, W Sher, DN Bekele
Journal of Environmental Management 299, 113654, 2021
Actively facilitated permeable reactive barrier for remediation of TCE from a low permeability aquifer: Field application
DN Bekele, J Du, LG de Freitas, M Mallavarapu, S Chadalavada, R Naidu
Journal of Hydrology 572, 592-602, 2019
Incorporating perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) into a geochemical index for improved delineation of legacy landfill impacts on groundwater
E Hepburn, A Northway, D Bekele, M Currell
Science of the Total Environment 666, 1198-1208, 2019
Electrokinetic remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil (I)
A Saini, DN Bekele, S Chadalavada, C Fang, R Naidu
Environmental Technology & Innovation 23, 101585, 2021
Influence of spatial and temporal variability of subsurface soil moisture and temperature on vapour intrusion
DN Bekele, R Naidu, S Chadalavada
Atmospheric Environment 88, 14-22, 2014
Vapor intrusion models for petroleum and chlorinated volatile organic compounds: Opportunities for future improvements
DN Bekele, R Naidu, M Bowman, S Chadalavada
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (2), 1-13, 2013
Insights into vapour intrusion phenomena: Current outlook and preferential pathway scenario
A Unnithan, DN Bekele, S Chadalavada, R Naidu
Science of the Total Environment 796, 148885, 2021
Influence of soil properties on vapor-phase sorption of trichloroethylene
DN Bekele, R Naidu, S Chadalavada
Journal of hazardous materials 306, 34-40, 2016
Application of portable gas chromatography–mass spectrometer for rapid field based determination of TCE in soil vapour and groundwater
L Wang, Y Cheng, R Naidu, S Chadalavada, D Bekele, P Gell, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 21, 101274, 2021
Environmental isotopes as indicators of groundwater recharge, residence times and salinity in a coastal urban redevelopment precinct in Australia
E Hepburn, C Dioni, B Dawit, M Currell
Hydrogeology Journal 28 (2), 503-520, 2020
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Articles 1–20