Mick Wilson
Mick Wilson
Emeritus Professor
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NMR Techniques & Applications in Geochemistry & Soil Chemistry
MA Wilson
Elsevier, 1987
A habitable fluvio-lacustrine environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
JP Grotzinger, DY Sumner, LC Kah, K Stack, S Gupta, L Edgar, D Rubin, ...
Science 343 (6169), 1242777, 2014
Aspects of the chemical structure of soil organic materials as revealed by solid-state13C NMR spectroscopy
JA Baldock, JM Oades, AG Waters, X Peng, AM Vassallo, MA Wilson
Biogeochemistry 16, 1-42, 1992
Mars’ surface radiation environment measured with the Mars Science Laboratory’s Curiosity rover
DM Hassler, C Zeitlin, RF Wimmer-Schweingruber, B Ehresmann, ...
science 343 (6169), 1244797, 2014
Nanotechnology: basic science and emerging technologies
M Wilson, K Kannangara, G Smith, M Simmons, B Raguse
CRC Press, 2002
Volatile, isotope, and organic analysis of martian fines with the Mars Curiosity rover
LA Leshin, PR Mahaffy, CR Webster, M Cabane, P Coll, PG Conrad, ...
Science 341 (6153), 1238937, 2013
Volatile and organic compositions of sedimentary rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
DW Ming, PD Archer Jr, DP Glavin, JL Eigenbrode, HB Franz, B Sutter, ...
science 343 (6169), 1245267, 2014
Abundance and isotopic composition of gases in the Martian atmosphere from the Curiosity rover
PR Mahaffy, CR Webster, SK Atreya, H Franz, M Wong, PG Conrad, ...
Science 341 (6143), 263-266, 2013
Martian fluvial conglomerates at Gale crater
RME Williams, JP Grotzinger, WE Dietrich, S Gupta, DY Sumner, ...
science 340 (6136), 1068-1072, 2013
Adsorption study for removal of basic red dye using bentonite
QH Hu, SZ Qiao, F Haghseresht, MA Wilson, GQ Lu
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 45 (2), 733-738, 2006
Elemental geochemistry of sedimentary rocks at Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
SM McLennan, RB Anderson, JF Bell III, JC Bridges, F Calef III, ...
Science 343 (6169), 1244734, 2014
Soil diversity and hydration as observed by ChemCam at Gale Crater, Mars
PY Meslin, O Gasnault, O Forni, S Schröder, A Cousin, G Berger, ...
Science 341 (6153), 1238670, 2013
Nanomaterials in soils
MA Wilson, NH Tran, AS Milev, GSK Kannangara, H Volk, GQM Lu
Geoderma 146 (1-2), 291-302, 2008
In situ radiometric and exposure age dating of the Martian surface
KA Farley, C Malespin, P Mahaffy, JP Grotzinger, PM Vasconcelos, ...
science 343 (6169), 1247166, 2014
Recent advances in the preparation and utilization of carbon nanotubes for hydrogen storage
RG Ding, GQ Lu, ZF Yan, MA Wilson
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1 (1), 7-29, 2001
Catalytic upgrading of biorefinery oil from micro-algae
NH Tran, JR Bartlett, GSK Kannangara, AS Milev, H Volk, MA Wilson
Fuel 89 (2), 265-274, 2010
Characterization of organic matter in particle size and density fractions from a red-brown earth by solid state 13C NMR
JM Oades, AM Vassallo, AG Waters, MA Wilson
Australian Journal of Soil Research 25 (1), 71-82, 1987
Effects of humic material on the precipitation of calcium phosphate
R Alvarez, LA Evans, PJ Milham, MA Wilson
Geoderma 118 (3-4), 245-260, 2004
Geochemical comparison of oil-bearing fluid inclusions and produced oil from the Toro sandstone, Papua New Guinea
SC George, FW Krieger, PJ Eadington, RA Quezada, PF Greenwood, ...
Organic Geochemistry 26 (3-4), 155-173, 1997
Quantitative reliability of aromaticity and related measurements on coals by 13C nmr A debate
CE Snape, DE Axelson, RE Botto, JJ Delpuech, P Tekely, BC Gerstein, ...
Fuel 68 (5), 547-548, 1989
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Articles 1–20