Wartini Ng
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Cited by
Convolutional neural network for simultaneous prediction of several soil properties using visible/near-infrared, mid-infrared, and their combined spectra
W Ng, B Minasny, M Montazerolghaem, J Padarian, R Ferguson, S Bailey, ...
Geoderma 352, 251-267, 2019
The influence of training sample size on the accuracy of deep learning models for the prediction of soil properties with near-infrared spectroscopy data
W Ng, B Minasny, WS Mendes, JAM Demattę
Soil 6 (2), 565-578, 2020
Convolutional neural network for soil microplastic contamination screening using infrared spectroscopy
W Ng, B Minasny, A McBratney
Science of the Total Environment 702, 134723, 2020
Mid-infrared spectroscopy for accurate measurement of an extensive set of soil properties for assessing soil functions
W Ng, B Minasny, SH Jeon, A McBratney
Soil Security 6, 100043, 2022
Rapid assessment of petroleum-contaminated soils with infrared spectroscopy
W Ng, BP Malone, B Minasny
Geoderma 289, 150-160, 2017
In search of an optimum sampling algorithm for prediction of soil properties from infrared spectra
W Ng, B Minasny, B Malone, P Filippi
PeerJ 6, e5722, 2018
Developing a soil spectral library using a low-cost NIR spectrometer for precision fertilization in Indonesia
W Ng, L Anggria, AF Siregar, W Hartatik, Y Sulaeman, E Jones, ...
Geoderma Regional 22, e00319, 2020
A proposal for the assessment of soil security: Soil functions, soil services and threats to soil
SJ Evangelista, DJ Field, AB McBratney, B Minasny, W Ng, J Padarian, ...
Soil Security 10, 100086, 2023
To spike or to localize? Strategies to improve the prediction of local soil properties using regional spectral library
W Ng, B Minasny, E Jones, A McBratney
Geoderma 406, 115501, 2022
Optimizing wavelength selection by using informative vectors for parsimonious infrared spectra modelling
W Ng, B Minasny, BP Malone, MC Sarathjith, BS Das
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 158, 201-210, 2019
Soil security—Strategizing a sustainable future for soil
SJ Evangelista, DJ Field, AB McBratney, B Minasny, W Ng, J Padarian, ...
Advances in agronomy 183, 1-70, 2024
Estimation of effective calibration sample size using visible near infrared spectroscopy: Deep learning vs machine learning
W Ng, B Minasny, WS Mendes, JAM Demattę
Soil Discussions 2019, 1-21, 2019
Boosting soil citizen-science using Tea Bag Index method towards soil security in Australia
V Pino, A McBratney, E O'Brien, W Ng
Soil Security 5, 100016, 2021
Soil bacterial depth distribution controlled by soil orders and soil forms
P Xue, AB McBratney, B Minasny, T O’Donnell, V Pino, M Fajardo, W Ng, ...
Soil Ecology Letters, 1-12, 2020
Digital soil mapping of lithium in Australia
W Ng, B Minasny, A McBratney, P de Caritat, J Wilford
Earth System Science Data 15 (6), 2465-2482, 2023
Spatial evaluation of the soils capacity and condition to store carbon across Australia
AMJC Wadoux, MR Dobarco, W Ng, AB McBratney
Geoderma 442, 116805, 2024
Estimating surrogates, utility graphs and indicator sets for soil capacity and security assessments using legacy data
W Ng, SJ Evangelista, J Padarian, J Pachon, T O’Donoghue, P Xue, ...
Soil Research 62 (2), 2024
Near and mid infrared soil spectroscopy
W Ng, B Malone, B Minasny, S Jeon
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2022
Valuing and integrating soil roles in assessing the capital dimension of soil security: An Australian case study
N Francos, AB McBratney, DJ Field, B Minasny, JC Pachon, J Padarian, ...
Soil Security 16, 100141, 2024
21st Century Engagement:" Space Rocks" Game Jam. An Immersive, Open-Ended, and Collaborative Science Outreach Program
MM Mader, D Ireland, W Ng, K Tait, S Engels, A Llewellyn
47th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2419, 2016
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Articles 1–20