Seokhyun Yoon
Seokhyun Yoon
이화여자대학교 물리학과 교수
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Raman and optical spectroscopic studies of small-to-large polaron crossover in the perovskite manganese oxides
S Yoon, ...
Phys. Rev. B 58, 2795, 1998
Sulfur-doped graphene as a potential alternative metal-free electrocatalyst and Pt-catalyst supporting material for oxygen reduction reaction
J Park, YJ Jang, YJ Kim, M Song, S Yoon, DH Kim, SJ Kim
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (1), 103-109, 2014
Graphitic carbon growth on crystalline and amorphous oxide substrates using molecular beam epitaxy
SK Jerng, D Seong Yu, J Hong Lee, C Kim, S Yoon, SH Chun
Nanoscale research letters 6, 1-6, 2011
Nanocrystalline graphite growth on sapphire by carbon molecular beam epitaxy
SK Jerng, DS Yu, YS Kim, J Ryou, S Hong, C Kim, S Yoon, DK Efetov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (11), 4491-4494, 2011
Study of chemical enhancement mechanism in non-plasmonic surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
J Kim, Y Jang, NJ Kim, H Kim, GC Yi, Y Shin, MH Kim, S Yoon
Frontiers in chemistry 7, 582, 2019
Spectroscopic study of bound magnetic polaron formation and the metal-semiconductor transition in
P Nyhus, S Yoon, M Kauffman, SL Cooper, Z Fisk, J Sarrao
Physical Review B 56 (5), 2717, 1997
Raman-scattering study of the charge and spin dynamics of the layered ruthenium oxide
HL Liu, S Yoon, SL Cooper, G Cao, JE Crow
Physical Review B 60 (10), R6980, 1999
Single Phase Formation of SnS Competing with SnS2 and Sn2S3 for Photovoltaic Applications: Optoelectronic Characteristics of Thin-Film Surfaces and Interfaces
J Kim, J Kim, S Yoon, J Kang, CW Jeon, W Jo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (6), 3523-3532, 2018
Temperature‐dependent Raman scattering study of multiferroic MnWO4
LH Hoang, NTM Hien, WS Choi, YS Lee, K Taniguchi, T Arima, S Yoon, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 41 (9), 1005-1010, 2010
Stress management in sub-90-nm transistor architecture
R Arghavani, Z Yuan, N Ingle, KB Jung, M Seamons, S Venkataraman, ...
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 51 (10), 1740-1744, 2004
Configuration-controlled Au nanocluster arrays on inverse micelle nano-patterns: versatile platforms for SERS and SPR sensors
YH Jang, K Chung, LN Quan, B Špačková, H Šípová, S Moon, WJ Cho, ...
Nanoscale 5 (24), 12261-12271, 2013
Visible-light active nanohybrid TiO 2/carbon photocatalysts with programmed morphology by direct carbonization of block copolymer templates
ST Kochuveedu, YJ Jang, YH Jang, WJ Lee, MA Cha, H Shin, S Yoon, ...
Green chemistry 13 (12), 3397-3405, 2011
Strong nonlinear optical response in the visible spectral range with epsilon‐near‐zero organic thin films
YU Lee, E Garoni, H Kita, K Kamada, BH Woo, YC Jun, SM Chae, HJ Kim, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (14), 1701400, 2018
Raman Scattering Study of Anomalous Spin, Charge, and Lattice Dynamics in the Charge-Ordered Phase of ( )
S Yoon, M Rübhausen, SL Cooper, KH Kim, SW Cheong
Physical review letters 85 (15), 3297, 2000
High speed growth of MAPbBr 3 single crystals via low-temperature inverting solubility: enhancement of mobility and trap density for photodetector applications
Y Cho, HR Jung, YS Kim, Y Kim, J Park, S Yoon, Y Lee, M Cheon, ...
Nanoscale 13 (17), 8275-8282, 2021
Band Alignment at Au/MoS2 Contacts: Thickness Dependence of Exfoliated Flakes
A Sohn, H Moon, J Kim, M Seo, KA Min, SW Lee, S Yoon, S Hong, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (40), 22517-22522, 2017
Improved optical quality of GaNAsSb in the dilute Sb limit
HB Yuen, SR Bank, MA Wistey, JS Harris, MJ Seong, S Yoon, ...
Journal of applied physics 97 (11), 2005
Fully reflective deep ultraviolet to near infrared spectrometer and entrance optics for resonance Raman spectroscopy
B Schulz, J Bäckström, D Budelmann, R Maeser, M Rübhausen, MV Klein, ...
Review of scientific instruments 76 (7), 2005
Probing anisotropic magnetotransport in manganese perovskites using Raman spectroscopy
HL Liu, S Yoon, SL Cooper, SW Cheong, PD Han, DA Payne
Physical Review B 58 (16), R10115, 1998
Bi-induced vibrational modes in GaAsBi
MJ Seong, S Francoeur, S Yoon, A Mascarenhas, S Tixier, M Adamcyk, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 37 (6), 394-400, 2005
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