Steven A Myers
Cited by
Cited by
Species collapse via hybridization in Darwin’s tree finches
S Kleindorfer, JA O’Connor, RY Dudaniec, SA Myers, J Robertson, ...
The American Naturalist 183 (3), 325-341, 2014
High average power, all-solid-state external resonator Raman laser
HM Pask, S Myers, JA Piper, J Richards, T McKay
Optics letters 28 (6), 435-437, 2003
Females drive asymmetrical introgression from rare to common species in Darwin's tree finches
KJ Peters, SA Myers, RY Dudaniec, JA O'connor, S Kleindorfer
Journal of evolutionary biology 30 (11), 1940-1952, 2017
Population structure in a wide-ranging coastal teleost (Argyrosomus japonicus, Sciaenidae) reflects marine biogeography across southern Australia
TC Barnes, C Junge, SA Myers, MD Taylor, PJ Rogers, GJ Ferguson, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 67 (8), 1103-1113, 2015
Epidemiological evaluation of sewage surveillance as a tool to detect the presence of COVID-19 cases in a low case load setting
J Black, P Aung, M Nolan, E Roney, R Poon, D Hennessy, ND Crosbie, ...
Science of The Total Environment 786, 147469, 2021
Divergence in New Holland Honeyeaters (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae): evidence from morphology and feeding behavior
S Myers, G Brown, S Kleindorfer
Journal of Ornithology 151 (2), 287-296, 2010
Two new frog species from the Litoria rubella species group from eastern Australia
JJL Rowley, MJ Mahony, HB Hines, S Myers, LC Price, GM Shea, ...
Zootaxa 5071 (1), 1-41, 2021
Rainfall can explain adaptive phenotypic variation with high gene flow in the New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
SA Myers, S Donnellan, S Kleindorfer
Ecology and Evolution 2 (10), 2397-2412, 2012
New Holland honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae) microsatellites: isolation and characterization of 15 novel markers using an enrichment method
SA Myers, MG Gardner, S Donnellan, S Kleindorfer
Molecular ecology resources 9 (3), 1052-1054, 2009
Giant Australian cuttlefish in south Australian waters
B Gillanders, SC Donnellan, TAA Prowse, DA Fordham, C Izzo, SA Myers, ...
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, 2016
Sex determination by morphology in New Holland Honeyeaters, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae: contrasting two popular techniques across regions
S Myers, DC Paton, S Kleindorfer
South Australian Ornithologist 38 (1-2), 1-11, 2012
Molecular systematic analysis demonstrates that the threatened southern bell frog, Litoria raniformis (Anura: Pelodryadidae) of eastern Australia, comprises two sub-species
J Voros, S Wassens, L Price, D Hunter, S Myers, K Armstrong, MJ Mahony, ...
ZOOTAXA 5228 (1), 1-43, 2022
A new hip-pocket frog from mid-eastern Australia (Anura: Myobatrachidae: Assa).
MJ Mahony, HB Hines, SV Mahony, B Moses, SR Catalano, S Myers, ...
Zootaxa 5057 (4), 451-486, 2021
Maternal investment in Diamond Firetails Stagonopleura guttata: Female spot numbers predict egg volume and yolk lutein content
V Zanollo, M Griggio, S Myers, J Robertson, J Stangoulis, G Guild, ...
Acta ornithologica 48 (2), 253-261, 2013
Genetic insights into the introduction history of black rats into the eastern Indian Ocean
VA Thomson, AS Wiewel, R Palmer, N Hamilton, D Algar, C Pink, H Mills, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 786510, 2022
The evolutionary basis of morphological and behavioural variation in the New Holland honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
SA Myers
Flinders University, School of Biological Sciences., 2012
Gene flow between two thick-billed grasswren subspecies with low dispersal creates a genomic pattern of isolation-by-distance
AL Slender, M Louter, SA Myers, T Bradford, MG Gardner, S Kleindorfer
bioRxiv, 2021.09. 16.460701, 2021
Multi-tiered strategy for large-scale wastewater detection of SARS-CoV-2 in low-case settings provides confidence for public health actions
A Jex, N John, D McCarthy, S Myers, N Begue, C Schang, SP Usher, ...
Journal of Water and Health, jwh2025164, 2025
Rainfall can explain adaptive phenotypic variation with high gene flow in the New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
S Donnellan, S Kleindorfer, S Myers
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2012
Comparing Morphology and Gene flow in New Holland Honeyeaters at a Cross-regional scale
S Myers
Genetics Society of AustralAsia 2008: 55th Annual Meeting, 2008
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Articles 1–20