Shenghui Cui
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Cited by
Centennial-scale analysis of the creation and fate of reactive nitrogen in China (1910–2010)
S Cui, Y Shi, PM Groffman, WH Schlesinger, YG Zhu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (6), 2052-2057, 2013
Assessing agricultural livelihood vulnerability to climate change in coastal Bangladesh
MZ Hoque, S Cui, L Xu, I Islam, J Tang, S Ding
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (22), 4552, 2019
Carbon footprints of food production in China (1979–2009)
L Jianyi, H Yuanchao, C Shenghui, K Jiefeng, X Lilai
Journal of Cleaner Production 90, 97-103, 2015
Using hybrid method to evaluate carbon footprint of Xiamen City, China
J Lin, Y Liu, F Meng, S Cui, L Xu
Energy Policy 58, 220-227, 2013
Food production in China requires intensified measures to be consistent with national and provincial environmental boundaries
Y Hu, M Su, Y Wang, S Cui, F Meng, W Yue, Y Liu, C Xu, Z Yang
Nature Food 1 (9), 572-582, 2020
Evaluating the effectiveness of urban energy conservation and GHG mitigation measures: The case of Xiamen city, China
J Lin, B Cao, S Cui, W Wang, X Bai
Energy Policy 38 (9), 5123-5132, 2010
Chinese cropping systems are a net source of greenhouse gases despite soil carbon sequestration
B Gao, T Huang, X Ju, B Gu, W Huang, L Xu, RM Rees, DS Powlson, ...
Global change biology 24 (12), 5590-5606, 2018
A hybrid procedure for MSW generation forecasting at multiple time scales in Xiamen City, China
L Xu, P Gao, S Cui, C Liu
Waste management 33 (6), 1324-1331, 2013
Tracking urban carbon footprints from production and consumption perspectives
J Lin, Y Hu, S Cui, J Kang, A Ramaswami
Environmental Research Letters 10 (5), 054001, 2015
Nutrient enrichment and N: P ratio decline in a coastal bay–river system in southeast China: the need for a dual nutrient (N and P) management strategy
N Chen, B Peng, H Hong, N Turyaheebwa, S Cui, X Mo
Ocean & Coastal Management 81, 7-13, 2013
Diet shift: considering environment, health and food culture
J Yin, D Yang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, T Cai, Y Hao, S Cui, Y Chen
Science of The Total Environment 719, 137484, 2020
Carbon footprint and carbon emission reduction of urban buildings: a case in Xiamen City, China
W Huang, F Li, S Cui, L Huang, J Lin
Procedia Engineering 198, 1007-1017, 2017
Linking land-use change, landscape patterns, and ecosystem services in a coastal watershed of southeastern China
J Tang, Y Li, S Cui, L Xu, S Ding, W Nie
Global Ecology and Conservation 23, e01177, 2020
Measuring urban carbon footprint from carbon flows in the global supply chain
Y Hu, J Lin, S Cui, NZ Khanna
Environmental science & technology 50 (12), 6154-6163, 2016
Using a network framework to quantitatively select ecological indicators
T Lin, J Lin, S Cui, S Cameron
Ecological Indicators 9 (6), 1114-1120, 2009
A review of the flood management: from flood control to flood resilience
L Wang, S Cui, Y Li, H Huang, B Manandhar, V Nitivattananon, X Fang, ...
Heliyon 8 (11), 2022
Simulating urban growth using the SLEUTH model in a coastal peri-urban district in China
L Hua, L Tang, S Cui, K Yin
Sustainability 6 (6), 3899-3914, 2014
Managing urban nutrient biogeochemistry for sustainable urbanization
T Lin, V Gibson, S Cui, CP Yu, S Chen, Z Ye, YG Zhu
Environmental Pollution 192, 244-250, 2014
Valuation and validation of carbon sources and sinks through land cover/use change analysis: The case of Bangkok metropolitan area
G Ali, N Pumijumnong, S Cui
Land use policy 70, 471-478, 2018
Exploring environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) in relation to green revolution: a case study of Pakistan
G Ali, A Ashraf, MK Bashir, S Cui
Environmental Science & Policy 77, 166-171, 2017
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Articles 1–20