Douglas A. Gray
Douglas A. Gray
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Positive-definite Toeplitz completion in DOA estimation for nonuniform linear antenna arrays. I. Fully augmentable arrays
YI Abramovich, DA Gray, AY Gorokhov, NK Spencer
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 46 (9), 2458-2471, 1998
The soil moisture active passive experiments (SMAPEx): Toward soil moisture retrieval from the SMAP mission
R Panciera, JP Walker, TJ Jackson, DA Gray, MA Tanase, D Ryu, ...
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 52 (1), 490-507, 2013
Detecting scene changes using synthetic aperture radar interferometry
M Preiss, DA Gray, NJS Stacy
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 44 (8), 2041-2054, 2006
Detection of broken rotor bars in induction motor using starting-current analysis and effects of loading
R Supangat, N Ertugrul, WL Soong, DA Gray, C Hansen, J Grieger
IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications 153 (6), 848-855, 2006
Adaptive cancellation of nonstationary interference in HF antenna arrays
GA Fabrizio, YI Abramovich, SJ Anderson, DA Gray, MD Turley
IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and Navigation 145 (1), 19-24, 1998
Towed array shape estimation using Kalman filters-theoretical models
DA Gray, BDO Anderson, RR Bitmead
IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 18 (4), 543-556, 1993
Metformin abrogates age-associated ovarian fibrosis
CW McCloskey, DP Cook, BS Kelly, F Azzi, CH Allen, A Forsyth, J Upham, ...
Clinical cancer research 26 (3), 632-642, 2020
When killers become thieves: Trogocytosed PD-1 inhibits NK cells in cancer
MS Hasim, M Marotel, JJ Hodgins, E Vulpis, OJ Makinson, S Asif, HY Shih, ...
Science Advances 8 (15), eabj3286, 2022
Molecular analysis of the Mov 34 mutation: transcript disrupted by proviral integration in mice is conserved in Drosophila
T Gridley, DA Gray, T Orr-Weaver, P Soriano, DE Barton, U Francke, ...
Development 109 (1), 235-242, 1990
Broken rotor bar fault detection in induction motors using starting current analysis
R Supangat, N Ertugrul, WL Soong, DA Gray, C Hansen, J Grieger
2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 10 pp.-P. 10, 2005
Three-dimensional space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging with multiple pass processing
Z She, DA Gray, RE Bogner, J Homer, ID Longstaff
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (20), 4357-4382, 2002
GPS interference mitigation; overview and experimental results
M Trinkle, D Gray
Features for high resolution radar range profile based ship classification
S Slomka, D Gibbins, D Gray, B Haywood
ISSPA'99. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Signal …, 1999
Three-dimensional SAR imaging via multiple pass processing
Z She, DA Gray, RE Bogner, J Homer
IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS'99 …, 1999
Receiver array calibration using disparate sources
ISD Solomon, DA Gray, YI Abramovich, SJ Anderson
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 47 (3), 496-505, 1999
Integrated track maintenance for the PMHT via the hysteresis model
SJ Davey, DA Gray
IEEE transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 43 (1), 93-111, 2007
Towed array shape estimation using Kalman filters-experimental investigations
JL Riley, DA Gray
IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 18 (4), 572-581, 2002
Performance bounds for polynomial phase parameter estimation with nonuniform and random sampling schemes
JA Legg, DA Gray
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 48 (2), 331-337, 2000
Constrained fast-time STAP for interference suppression in multichannel SAR
L Rosenberg, DA Gray
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 49 (3), 1792-1805, 2013
High resolution imaging of moving ground targets via clutter mitigation and isar processing
A Bacci, M Martorella, DA Gray, F Berizzi
2014 International Radar Conference, 1-6, 2014
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Articles 1–20