Shoou-I Yu
Shoou-I Yu
Research Scientist, Facebook Reality Labs
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Cited by
Self-Paced Learning with Diversity
L Jiang, D Meng, SI Yu, Z Lan, S Shan, A Hauptmann
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2078-2086, 2014
Interhand2. 6m: A dataset and baseline for 3d interacting hand pose estimation from a single rgb image
G Moon, SI Yu, H Wen, T Shiratori, KM Lee
European Conference on Computer Vision, 548-564, 2020
Supervision-by-registration: An unsupervised approach to improve the precision of facial landmark detectors
X Dong, SI Yu, X Weng, SE Wei, Y Yang, Y Sheikh
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Epipolar transformers
Y He, R Yan, K Fragkiadaki, SI Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Multimedia classification and event detection using double fusion
Z Lan, L Bao, SI Yu, W Liu, AG Hauptmann
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-15, 2013
A content-based method to enhance tag recommendation
YT Lu, SI Yu, TC Chang, JY Hsu
Proceedings of the 21st international jont conference on Artifical …, 2009
Authentic volumetric avatars from a phone scan
C Cao, T Simon, JK Kim, G Schwartz, M Zollhoefer, SS Saito, S Lombardi, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 41 (4), 1-19, 2022
Double fusion for multimedia event detection
Z Lan, L Bao, SI Yu, W Liu, AG Hauptmann
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 173-185, 2012
Harry Potter’s Marauder’s Map: Localizing and Tracking Multiple Persons-of-Interest by Nonnegative Discretization
SI Yu, Y Yang, A Hauptmann
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013 IEEE Conference on., 2013
Bridging the ultimate semantic gap: A semantic search engine for internet videos
L Jiang, SI Yu, D Meng, T Mitamura, AG Hauptmann
Proceedings of the 5th ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2015
Zero-example event search using multimodal pseudo relevance feedback
L Jiang, T Mitamura, SI Yu, AG Hauptmann
Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 297-304, 2014
Fast and accurate content-based semantic search in 100m internet videos
L Jiang, SI Yu, D Meng, Y Yang, T Mitamura, AG Hauptmann
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 49-58, 2015
Instructional videos for unsupervised harvesting and learning of action examples
SI Yu, L Jiang, A Hauptmann
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 825-828, 2014
Multiface: A Dataset for Neural Face Rendering
C Wuu, N Zheng, S Ardisson, R Bali, D Belko, E Brockmeyer, L Evans, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.11243, 2022
The Solution Path Algorithm for Identity-Aware Multi-Object Tracking
SI Yu, D Meng, W Zuo, A Hauptmann
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Supervision by registration and triangulation for landmark detection
X Dong, Y Yang, SE Wei, X Weng, Y Sheikh, SI Yu
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (10), 3681 …, 2020
Informedia@ TRECVID 2014 MED and MER
SI Yu, L Jiang, Z Mao, X Chang, X Du, C Gan, Z Lan, Z Xu, X Li, Y Cai, ...
NIST TRECVID Video Retrieval Evaluation Workshop, 2014
Self-supervised adaptation of high-fidelity face models for monocular performance tracking
JS Yoon, T Shiratori, SI Yu, HS Park
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
CMU-Informedia@ TRECVID 2013 Multimedia Event Detection
ZZ Lan, L Jiang, SI Yu, S Rawat, Y Cai, C Gao, S Xu, H Shen, X Li, ...
Content-based video search over 1 million videos with 1 core in 1 second
SI Yu, L Jiang, Z Xu, Y Yang, AG Hauptmann
Proceedings of the 5th ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2015
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Articles 1–20