Leonardo Antonio Mendes de Souza
Leonardo Antonio Mendes de Souza
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Optimal estimation of losses at the ultimate quantum limit with non-Gaussian states
G Adesso, F Dell’Anno, S De Siena, F Illuminati, LAM Souza
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 040305, 2009
Gaussian interferometric power as a measure of continuous-variable non-Markovianity
LAM Souza, HS Dhar, MN Bera, P Liuzzo-Scorpo, G Adesso
Physical Review A 92 (5), 052122, 2015
Arbitrary parameters in implicit regularization and democracy within perturbative description of 2-dimensional gravitational anomalies
LAM Souza, M Sampaio, MC Nemes
Physics Letters B 632 (5-6), 717-724, 2006
Non-Markovianity hierarchy of Gaussian processes and quantum amplification
P Liuzzo-Scorpo, W Roga, LAM Souza, NK Bernardes, G Adesso
Physical Review Letters 118, 050401, 2017
Versatile Gaussian probes for squeezing estimation
L Rigovacca, A Farace, LAM Souza, A De Pasquale, V Giovannetti, ...
Physical Review A 95 (5), 052331, 2017
Anomalous diffusion in the first-order Jovian resonance
RR Cordeiro
Astronomy & Astrophysics 439 (1), 375-385, 2005
An analytical relation between entropy production and quantum Lyapunov exponents for Gaussian bipartite systems
KMF Romero, JE Parreira, LAM Souza, MC Nemes, W Wreszinski
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (11), 115303, 2008
Algumas percepções de estudantes do ensino médio sobre ciências, pseudociência e movimentos anticientíficos
ML Miguel, LJ dos Santos, LAM de Souza
Investigações em Ensino de Ciências 27 (1), 191, 2022
Mixedness and entanglement for two-mode Gaussian states
LAM Souza, RC Drumond, MC Nemes, KMF Romero
Optics Communications 285 (21-22), 4453-4456, 2012
Asymptotic entanglement dynamics phase diagrams for two electromagnetic field modes in a cavity
RC Drumond, LAM Souza, M Terra Cunha
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 042302, 2010
Quantifying the decay of quantum properties in single-mode states
LAM Souza, MC Nemes, MF Santos, JGP de Faria
Optics communications 281 (18), 4696-4704, 2008
Characteristic time and maximum mixedness: Single mode Gaussian states in dissipative channels
LAM Souza, MC Nemes
Physics Letters A 372 (20), 3616-3619, 2008
Parametric competition in non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems
LAM Souza, JGP Faria, MC Nemes
Optics Communications 331, 148-153, 2014
Classes of Gaussian states for squeezing estimation
LAM Souza
Physics Letters A 504, 129431, 2024
Multipartite quantum eraser in cavity QED
R Rossi Jr, JP Souza, LAM de Souza, MC Nemes
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (6), 062102, 2013
Uma proposta para o uso de RPG no Ensino de F\'isica: A Vingan\c {c} a de Newton
MRVB Souza, LH de Freitas, GS Silva, FX de Carvalho, LAM Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.17642, 2024
A Precis\~ ao da Metrologia Qu\^ antica: Limite de Cram\'er-Rao, Informa\c {c}\~ ao de Fisher e poss\'iveis Aplica\c {c}\~ oes Tecnol\'ogicas
LAM Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.17797, 2024
Causal Emergence in Quantum Mechanics
R Rossi Jr, LAM Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.07471, 2019
Tests of hidden variable models by the relaxation of the measurement independence condition
R Rossi Jr, LAM Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.06452, 2018
Maximizing complementary quantities by projective measurements
LAM Souza, NK Bernardes, R Rossi Jr
Brazilian Journal of Physics 47, 157, 2017
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Articles 1–20