Levi Hargrove
Levi Hargrove
Shirley Ryan Abilitylab
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A comparison of surface and intramuscular myoelectric signal classification
LJ Hargrove, K Englehart, B Hudgins
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 54 (5), 847-853, 2007
Continuous Locomotion-Mode Identification for Prosthetic Legs Based on Neuromuscular–Mechanical Fusion
H Huang, F Zhang, LJ Hargrove, Z Dou, DR Rogers, KB Englehart
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 58 (10), 2867-2875, 2011
Determining the optimal window length for pattern recognition-based myoelectric control: Balancing the competing effects of classification error and controller delay
LH Smith, LJ Hargrove, BA Lock, TA Kuiken
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 19 (2 …, 2010
Classification of simultaneous movements using surface EMG pattern recognition
AJ Young, LH Smith, EJ Rouse, LJ Hargrove
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (5), 1250-1258, 2012
The effects of electrode size and orientation on the sensitivity of myoelectric pattern recognition systems to electrode shift
AJ Young, LJ Hargrove, TA Kuiken
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (9), 2537-2544, 2011
Robotic leg control with EMG decoding in an amputee with nerve transfers
LJ Hargrove, AM Simon, AJ Young, RD Lipschutz, SB Finucane, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 369 (13), 1237-1242, 2013
Large-area MRI-compatible epidermal electronic interfaces for prosthetic control and cognitive monitoring
L Tian, B Zimmerman, A Akhtar, KJ Yu, M Moore, J Wu, RJ Larsen, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 3 (3), 194-205, 2019
A training strategy to reduce classification degradation due to electrode displacements in pattern recognition based myoelectric control
L Hargrove, K Englehart, B Hudgins
Biomedical signal processing and control 3 (2), 175-180, 2008
Improving Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Robustness to Electrode Shift by Changing Interelectrode Distance and Electrode Configuration
AJ Young, LJ Hargrove, TA Kuiken
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 59 (3), 645-652, 2012
The target achievement control test: Evaluating real-time myoelectric pattern recognition control of a multifunctional upper-limb prosthesis
AM Simon, LJ Hargrove, BA Lock, TA Kuiken
Journal of rehabilitation research and development 48 (6), 619, 2011
Principal components analysis preprocessing for improved classification accuracies in pattern-recognition-based myoelectric control
LJ Hargrove, G Li, KB Englehart, BS Hudgins
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 56 (5), 1407-1414, 2009
Decoding a new neural–machine interface for control of artificial limbs
P Zhou, MM Lowery, KB Englehart, H Huang, G Li, L Hargrove, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 98 (5), 2974-2982, 2007
Virtual constraint control of a powered prosthetic leg: From simulation to experiments with transfemoral amputees
RD Gregg, T Lenzi, LJ Hargrove, JW Sensinger
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 30 (6), 1455-1471, 2014
Multiple binary classifications via linear discriminant analysis for improved controllability of a powered prosthesis
LJ Hargrove, EJ Scheme, KB Englehart, BS Hudgins
Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 18 (1 …, 2010
Estimation of human ankle impedance during the stance phase of walking
EJ Rouse, LJ Hargrove, EJ Perreault, TA Kuiken
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (4 …, 2014
Analysis of using EMG and mechanical sensors to enhance intent recognition in powered lower limb prostheses
AJ Young, TA Kuiken, LJ Hargrove
Journal of neural engineering 11 (5), 056021, 2014
Configuring a powered knee and ankle prosthesis for transfemoral amputees within five specific ambulation modes
AM Simon, KA Ingraham, NP Fey, SB Finucane, RD Lipschutz, AJ Young, ...
PloS one 9 (6), e99387, 2014
Proceedings of the first workshop on peripheral machine interfaces: going beyond traditional surface electromyography
C Castellini, P Artemiadis, M Wininger, A Ajoudani, M Alimusaj, A Bicchi, ...
Frontiers in neurorobotics 8, 22, 2014
A classification method for user-independent intent recognition for transfemoral amputees using powered lower limb prostheses
AJ Young, LJ Hargrove
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (2 …, 2015
Intent recognition in a powered lower limb prosthesis using time history information
AJ Young, AM Simon, NP Fey, LJ Hargrove
Annals of biomedical engineering 42, 631-641, 2014
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Articles 1–20