Saoirse Connor Desai
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Cited by
Comparing the use of open and closed questions for Web-based measures of the continued-influence effect
S Connor Desai, S Reimers
Behavior Research Methods, 2019
The rational continued influence of misinformation
SA Connor Desai, TD Pilditch, JK Madsen
Cognition 205, 104453, 2020
Getting to the source of the illusion of consensus
S Connor Desai, B Xie, BK Hayes
Cognition 223, 105023, 2022
Development of an information sheet providing rapport advice for interpreters in police interviews
MK Dhami, J Goodman-Delahunty, S Connor Desai
Police practice and research 18 (3), 291-305, 2017
Widening access to Bayesian problem solving
N Cruz, S Connor Desai, S Dewitt, U Hahn, D Lagnado, A Liefgreen, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 660, 2020
Does explaining the origins of misinformation improve the effectiveness of a given correction?
S Connor Desai, S Reimers
Memory & Cognition, 2023
Consistency and credibility in legal reasoning: A Bayesian network approach.
SC Desai, S Reimers, DA Lagnado
CogSci, 2016
Some misinformation is more easily countered: An experiment on the continued influence effect.
S Connor Desai, S Reimers
CogSci, 2018
What do our sampling assumptions affect: how we encode data or how we reason from it?
K Ransom, A Perfors, B Hayes, S Connor Desai
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 2022
Who is sensitive to selection biases in inductive reasoning?
BK Hayes, SX Liew, S Connor Desai, DJ Navarro, Y Wen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 2022
Sensitivity to Online Consensus Effects Within Individuals and Claim Types
M Alister, KJ Ransom, S Connor Desai, EV Soh, B Hayes, A Perfors
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46, 2024
Building a consensus about consensus: psychological, computational, and philosophical approaches
S Connor Desai
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
Source reliability and the continued influence effect of misinformation: A Bayesian network approach.
JK Madsen, S Connor Desai, TD Pilditch
CogSci, 2235-2241, 2019
But where's the evidence? The effect of explanatory corrections on inferences about false information.
S Connor Desai, S Reimers
CogSci, 2017
Changing your mind about the data: Updating sampling assumptions in inductive inference
B Hayes, J Pham, J Lee, A Perfors, K Ransom, S Connor Desai
Available at SSRN 4510557, 2023
The Dog that Didn’t Bark
BK Hayes, SC Desai, K Ransom, C Kemp
Sampling in Judgment and Decision Making, 153, 2023
The illusion of consensus with multiple exposures
B Hayes, SC Desai
OSF, 2024
Linguistic Analysis of Epistemically Suspect Claims on Reddit
SG Robson, SC Desai, K Martire, K Faasse, M Drew, A Wisken
OSF, 2023
Censor Detection: Detecting and adjusting for sample bias
S Connor Desai, C Kemp, B Hayes
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
Is one story better than two? Testing the effect of disjunction on jurors' decision-making
M Vorms, K Tentori, SC Desai, D Lagnado
International Conference on Thinking, 2020
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Articles 1–20