Li Liu
Li Liu
在 jiangnan.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Analysis of energy-efficient connected target coverage algorithms for industrial wireless sensor networks
G Han, L Liu, J Jiang, L Shu, G Hancke
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (1), 135-143, 2015
A disaster management-oriented path planning for mobile anchor node-based localization in wireless sensor networks
G Han, X Yang, L Liu, W Zhang, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 8 (1), 115-125, 2017
A grid-based joint routing and charging algorithm for industrial wireless rechargeable sensor networks
G Han, A Qian, J Jiang, N Sun, L Liu
Computer Networks 101, 19-28, 2016
HySense: A hybrid mobile crowdsensing framework for sensing opportunities compensation under dynamic coverage constraint
G Han, L Liu, S Chan, R Yu, Y Yang
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (3), 93-99, 2017
A joint energy replenishment and data collection algorithm in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
G Han, X Yang, L Liu, W Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2596-2604, 2017
Ant-colony-based complete-coverage path-planning algorithm for underwater gliders in ocean areas with thermoclines
G Han, Z Zhou, T Zhang, H Wang, L Liu, Y Peng, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (8), 8959-8971, 2020
Optimal resource allocation in energy-efficient Internet-of-Things networks with imperfect CSI
JA Ansere, G Han, L Liu, Y Peng, M Kamal
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (6), 5401-5411, 2020
Multi-energy scheduling of an industrial integrated energy system by reinforcement learning-based differential evolution
Z Xu, G Han, L Liu, M Martinez-Garcia, Z Wang
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 5 (3), 1077-1090, 2021
A dynamic multipath scheme for protecting source-location privacy using multiple sinks in WSNs intended for IIoT
G Han, H Wang, X Miao, L Liu, J Jiang, Y Peng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 5527-5538, 2019
A collaborative secure localization algorithm based on trust model in underwater wireless sensor networks
G Han, L Liu, J Jiang, L Shu, JJPC Rodrigues
Sensors 16 (2), 229, 2016
BRTCO: A novel boundary recognition and tracking algorithm for continuous objects in wireless sensor networks
G Han, J Shen, L Liu, L Shu
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2056-2065, 2016
Dynamic adaptive replacement policy in shared last-level cache of DRAM/PCM hybrid memory for big data storage
G Jia, G Han, J Jiang, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 1951-1960, 2016
Fault-tolerant event region detection on trajectory pattern extraction for industrial wireless sensor networks
L Liu, G Han, Y He, J Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (3), 2072-2080, 2019
Joint optimization of cooperative edge caching and radio resource allocation in 5G-enabled massive IoT networks
F Zhang, G Han, L Liu, M Martínez-García, Y Peng
IEEE Internet of Things journal 8 (18), 14156-14170, 2021
Anomaly detection based on multidimensional data processing for protecting vital devices in 6G-enabled massive IIoT
G Han, J Tu, L Liu, M Martínez-García, Y Peng
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (7), 5219-5229, 2021
A coverage-aware hierarchical charging algorithm in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
G Han, X Yang, L Liu, S Chan, W Zhang
IEEE Network 33 (4), 201-207, 2018
Exploiting web images for multi-output classification: From category to subcategories
Y Yao, F Shen, G Xie, L Liu, F Zhu, J Zhang, HT Shen
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (7), 2348-2360, 2020
A lightweight specific emitter identification model for IIoT devices based on adaptive broad learning
Z Xu, G Han, L Liu, H Zhu, J Peng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (5), 7066-7075, 2022
IGRC: An improved grid-based joint routing and charging algorithm for wireless rechargeable sensor networks
X Yang, G Han, L Liu, A Qian, W Zhang
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 837-845, 2019
Performance modeling of representative load sharing schemes for clustered servers in multiaccess edge computing
L Liu, S Chan, G Han, M Guizani, M Bandai
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4880-4888, 2018
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