Pål Liljebäck
Pål Liljebäck
PostDoc researcher at NTNU and research scientist at SINTEF
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Cited by
Snake robots: modelling, mechatronics, and control
P Liljebäck, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
Springer, 2013
A review on modelling, implementation, and control of snake robots
P Liljebäck, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
Robotics and Autonomous systems 60 (1), 29-40, 2012
Snake robot obstacle-aided locomotion: Modeling, simulations, and experiments
AA Transeth, RI Leine, C Glocker, KY Pettersen, P Liljebäck
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (1), 88-104, 2008
A survey on snake robot modeling and locomotion
AA Transeth, KY Pettersen, P Liljebäck
Robotica 27 (7), 999-1015, 2009
Integral line-of-sight guidance for path following control of underwater snake robots: Theory and experiments
E Kelasidi, P Liljebäck, KY Pettersen, JT Gravdahl
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 33 (3), 610-628, 2017
A snake-like robot for internal inspection of complex pipe structures (PIKo)
SA Fjerdingen, P Liljebäck, AA Transeth
2009 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2009
Mamba-A waterproof snake robot with tactile sensing
P Liljebäck, Ø Stavdahl, KY Pettersen, JT Gravdahl
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
SnakeFighter-development of a water hydraulic fire fighting snake robot
P Liljeback, O Stavdahl, A Beitnes
2006 9th international conference on control, automation, robotics and …, 2006
Innovation in underwater robots: Biologically inspired swimming snake robots
E Kelasidi, P Liljeback, KY Pettersen, JT Gravdahl
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 23 (1), 44-62, 2016
Path following control of planar snake robots using a cascaded approach
P Liljeback, IU Haugstuen, KY Pettersen
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 20 (1), 111-126, 2011
Controllability and stability analysis of planar snake robot locomotion
P Liljeback, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (6), 1365-1380, 2010
Modeling of underwater snake robots
E Kelasidi, KY Pettersen, JT Gravdahl, P Liljebäck
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4540-4547, 2014
Experimental investigation of obstacle-aided locomotion with a snake robot
P Liljeback, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 27 (4), 792-800, 2011
Snake robot locomotion in environments with obstacles
P Liljeback, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 17 (6), 1158-1169, 2011
Modular pneumatic snake robot: 3D modelling, implementation and control
P Liljeback, Ø Stavdahl, KY Pettersen
Hybrid modelling and control of obstacle-aided snake robot locomotion
P Liljeback, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 26 (5), 781-799, 2010
Perception-driven obstacle-aided locomotion for snake robots: the state of the art, challenges and possibilities
F Sanfilippo, J Azpiazu, G Marafioti, AA Transeth, Ø Stavdahl, P Liljebäck
Applied Sciences 7 (4), 336, 2017
A simplified model of planar snake robot locomotion
P Liljebäck, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl, JT Gravdahl
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
A snake robot with a contact force measurement system for obstacle-aided locomotion
P Liljebäck, KY Pettersen, Ø Stavdahl
2010 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 683-690, 2010
Reduced head steadiness in whiplash compared with non-traumatic neck pain
A Woodhouse, P Liljebäck, O Vasseljen
Foundation for Rehabilitation Information, 2010
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Articles 1–20