Rebecca Schaumberg
Rebecca Schaumberg
Assistant Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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Cited by
Racial prejudice predicts opposition to Obama and his health care reform plan
ED Knowles, BS Lowery, RL Schaumberg
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (2), 420-423, 2010
Clarifying the link between job satisfaction and absenteeism: The role of guilt proneness.
RL Schaumberg, FJ Flynn
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (6), 982, 2017
Self-reliance: A gender perspective on its relationship to communality and leadership evaluations
RL Schaumberg, FJ Flynn
Academy of Management Journal 60 (5), 1859-1881, 2017
When feeling bad leads to feeling good: Guilt-proneness and affective organizational commitment.
FJ Flynn, RL Schaumberg
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (1), 124, 2012
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown: The link between guilt proneness and leadership.
RL Schaumberg, FJ Flynn
Journal of personality and social psychology 103 (2), 327, 2012
Desire for a positive moral self-regard exacerbates escalation of commitment to initiatives with prosocial aims
RL Schaumberg, SS Wiltermuth
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 123 (2), 110-123, 2014
Anti-egalitarians for Obama? Group-dominance motivation and the Obama vote
ED Knowles, BS Lowery, RL Schaumberg
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (4), 965-969, 2009
Race, ideology, and the Tea Party: A longitudinal study
ED Knowles, BS Lowery, EP Shulman, RL Schaumberg
PLoS One 8 (6), e67110, 2013
Sidestepping the rock and the hard place: The private avoidance of prosocial requests
SC Lin, RL Schaumberg, T Reich
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 64, 35-40, 2016
Shame broadcasts social norms: The positive social effects of shame on norm acquisition and normative behavior
RL Schaumberg, SE Skowronek
Psychological Science 33 (8), 1257-1277, 2022
Differentiating between grateful and indebted reactions to receiving help
R Schaumberg, FJ Flynn
Altruism and prosocial behavior in groups, 105-132, 2009
From incidental harms to moral elevation: The positive effect of experiencing unintentional, uncontrollable, and unavoidable harms on perceived moral character
RL Schaumberg, E Mullen
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 73, 86-96, 2017
Refining the guilt proneness construct and theorizing about its role in conformity and deviance in organizations
R Schaumberg, F Flynn
Research in Organizational Behavior 39, 100123, 2019
From self-consciousness to success: When and why self-conscious emotions promote positive employee outcomes
RL Schaumberg, JL Tracy
The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect; Yang, L., Cropanzano, R., Daus …, 2020
The role of guilt in the workplace: Taking stock and moving ahead
RL Schaumberg, FJ Flynn, JL Tracy
The Self at Work, 172-193, 2017
Shame at work: Multiple conceptualizations of shame and its impact on individual outcomes
GE Antoine, K Kushlev, R Schaumberg, R Zhong
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 18371, 2020
To forgive or to show integrity: Forgiveness decreases integrity-based trust but increases benevolence-based trust
R Schaumberg, SS Wiltermuth, G Adams
To Forgive or to Show Integrity: Forgiveness Decreases Integrity-based trust …, 2022
Nothing to be Proud of: When Expressing Pride in One’s Performance Undermines Status Conferral
R Schaumberg
Available at SSRN 3912070, 2022
When expressing pride makes people seem less competent
RL Schaumberg
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 184, 104352, 2024
Disagreement Gets Mistaken for Bad Listening
Z Ren, R Schaumberg
Psychological Science 35 (5), 455-470, 2024
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