Alexander V. Sobolev
Alexander V. Sobolev
Distinguished Professor at ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France
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The amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, DV Kuzmin, GM Yaxley, NT Arndt, SL Chung, ...
Science 316 (5823), 412-417, 2007
An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, SV Sobolev, IK Nikogosian
Nature 434 (7033), 590-597, 2005
Linking mantle plumes, large igneous provinces and environmental catastrophes
SV Sobolev, AV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, NA Krivolutskaya, AG Petrunin, ...
Nature 477 (7364), 312-316, 2011
H2O concentrations in primary melts from supra-subduction zones and mid-ocean ridges: Implications for H2O storage and recycling in the mantle
AV Sobolev, M Chaussidon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 137 (1), 45-55, 1996
Melt inclusions in minerals as a source of principle petrological information
AV Sobolev
Petrology 4 (3), 209-220, 1996
Petrology and geochemistry of boninites from the north termination of the Tonga Trench: constraints on the generation conditions of primary high-Ca boninite magmas
Journal of Petrology 35 (5), 1183-1211, 1994
Experimental and petrological studies of melt inclusions in phenocrysts from mantle-derived magmas: an overview of techniques, advantages and complications
LV Danyushevsky, AW McNeill, AV Sobolev
Chemical Geology 183 (1-4), 5-24, 2002
Ultra-depleted primary melt included in an olivine from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
AV Sobolev, N Shimizu
Nature 363 (6425), 151-154, 1993
The preparation and preliminary characterisation of eight geological MPI‐DING reference glasses for in‐situ microanalysis
KP Jochum, DB Dingwell, A Rocholl, B Stoll, AW Hofmann, S Becker, ...
Geostandards Newsletter 24 (1), 87-133, 2000
Recycled oceanic crust observed in ‘ghost plagioclase’within the source of Mauna Loa lavas
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, IK Nikogosian
Nature 404 (6781), 986-990, 2000
Melt inclusion record of the conditions of ascent, degassing, and extrusion of volatile‐rich alkali basalt during the powerful 2002 flank eruption of Mount Etna (Italy)
N Spilliaert, P Allard, N Métrich, AV Sobolev
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B4), 2006
Kimberlite melts rich in alkali chlorides and carbonates: a potent metasomatic agent in the mantle
MB Kamenetsky, AV Sobolev, VS Kamenetsky, R Maas, ...
Geology 32 (10), 845-848, 2004
Siberian meimechites: origin and relation to flood basalts and kimberlites
AV Sobolev, SV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, KN Malitch, AG Petrunin
Russian Geology and Geophysics 50 (12), 999-1033, 2009
Olivine in the Udachnaya-East kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia): types, compositions and origins
VS Kamenetsky, MB Kamenetsky, AV Sobolev, AV Golovin, S Demouchy, ...
Journal of Petrology 49 (4), 823-839, 2008
Zircon response to diamond-pressure metamorphism in the Kokchetav massif, USSR
JC Claoue-Long, NV Sobolev, VS Shatsky, AV Sobolev
Geology 19 (7), 710-713, 1991
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope evidence for a mantle origin of alkali chlorides and carbonates in the Udachnaya kimberlite, Siberia
R Maas, MB Kamenetsky, AV Sobolev, VS Kamenetsky, NV Sobolev
Geology 33 (7), 549-552, 2005
Olivine, and the origin of kimberlite
NT Arndt, M Guitreau, AM Boullier, A Le Roex, A Tommasi, P Cordier, ...
Journal of Petrology 51 (3), 573-602, 2010
Komatiites reveal a hydrous Archaean deep-mantle reservoir
AV Sobolev, EV Asafov, AA Gurenko, NT Arndt, VG Batanova, ...
Nature 531 (7596), 628-632, 2016
Composition and crystallization conditions of the initial melt of the Siberian meimechites in relation to the general problem of ultrabasic magmas
AV Sobolev, AB Slutskii
Soviet Geology and Geophysics 25 (12), 93-104, 1984
Petrogenetic significance of minor elements in olivines from diamonds and peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites of Yakutia
NV Sobolev, AM Logvinova, DA Zedgenizov, NP Pokhilenko, ...
Lithos 112, 701-713, 2009
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Articles 1–20