Celine Cattoen
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Cited by
Gravastars must have anisotropic pressures
C Cattoen, T Faber, M Visser
Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (20), 4189, 2005
Necessary and sufficient conditions for big bangs, bounces, crunches, rips, sudden singularities and extremality events
C Cattoen, M Visser
Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (23), 4913, 2005
The Hubble series: Convergence properties and redshift variables
C Cattoën, M Visser
Classical and Quantum Gravity 24 (23), 5985, 2007
Cosmographic Hubble fits to the supernova data
C Cattoën, M Visser
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (6), 063501, 2008
Validation of a national hydrological model
HK McMillan, DJ Booker, C Cattoën
Journal of Hydrology 541, 800-815, 2016
Large Randall–Sundrum II black holes
S Abdolrahimi, C Cattoën, DN Page, S Yaghoobpour-Tari
Physics Letters B 720 (4-5), 405-409, 2013
Cosmography: Extracting the Hubble series from the supernova data
C Cattoën, M Visser
arXiv preprint gr-qc/0703122, 2007
Spectral methods in general relativity and large Randall-Sundrum II black holes
S Abdolrahimi, C Cattoën, DN Page
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2013 (06), 039, 2013
Effective refractive index tensor for weak-field gravity
P Boonserm, C Cattoen, T Faber, M Visser, S Weinfurtner
Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (11), 1905, 2005
Cosmodynamics: Energy conditions, Hubble bounds, density bounds, time and distance bounds
C Cattoën, M Visser
Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (16), 165013, 2008
Cosmological milestones and energy conditions
C Cattoën, M Visser
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 68 (1), 012011, 2007
Calibrating hourly precipitation forecasts with daily observations
C Cattoën, DE Robertson, JC Bennett, QJ Wang, TK Carey-Smith
Journal of Hydrometeorology 21 (7), 1655-1673, 2020
Coupling a high-resolution weather model with a hydrological model for flood forecasting in New Zealand
C Cattoën, H McMillan, S Moore
Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand), 1-23, 2016
Visser, M2005CQGra. 22.4189 C. vol. 22
C Cattoen, T Faber
Class. Quantum Gravity, 4189, 2005
Cosmographic analysis of dark energy
M Visser, C Cattoen
Dark Matter In Astrophysics And Particle Physics, 287-300, 2010
Generalized Puiseux series expansion for cosmological milestones
C Cattoën, M Visser
The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical …, 2008
A national flood awareness system for ungauged catchments in complex topography: The case of development, communication and evaluation in New Zealand
C Cattoën, J Conway, N Fedaeff, D Lagrava, P Blackett, K Montgomery, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12864, 2022
Simulations of seasonal snowpack duration and water storage across New Zealand.
C Conway, J., Carey-Smith, T., Cattoën-Gilbert, C., Moore, S., Sirguey, P ...
Weather and Climate 41 (1), 72-89, 2021
A pressure-state-impact model for freshwater flows with example application to Canterbury
D Booker, C Cattoën-Gilbert, B Dudley, R Henderson, H McMillan, J Yang
NIWA Client Report 2017071CH. Retrieved from http://tools. envirolink. govt …, 2017
GeoFabrics 1.0. 0: An open-source Python package for automatic hydrological conditioning of digital elevation models for flood modelling
RA Pearson, G Smart, M Wilkins, E Lane, A Harang, C Bosserelle, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 170, 105842, 2023
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