Wei Wen Wong
Cited by
Cited by
Hydrodynamic disturbance controls microbial community assembly and biogeochemical processes in coastal sediments
YJ Chen, PM Leung, PLM Cook, WW Wong, T Hutchinson, V Eate, ...
The ISME Journal 16 (3), 750-763, 2022
Dynamics of groundwater‐derived nitrate and nitrous oxide in a tidal estuary from radon mass balance modeling
WW Wong, MR Grace, I Cartwright, MB Cardenas, PB Zamora, PLM Cook
Limnology and Oceanography 58 (5), 1689-1706, 2013
Stable isotopes of nitrate reveal different nitrogen processing mechanisms in streams across a land use gradient during wet and dry periods
WW Wong, J Pottage, FY Warry, P Reich, KL Roberts, MR Grace, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (13), 3953-3965, 2018
Cable bacteria promote DNRA through iron sulfide dissolution
AJ Kessler, M Wawryk, U Marzocchi, KL Roberts, WW Wong, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (3), 1228-1238, 2019
Sources and fate of nitrate in a groundwater‐fed estuary elucidated using stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and oxygen
WW Wong, MR Grace, I Cartwright, PLM Cook
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (5), 1493-1509, 2014
Greenhouse gas dynamics in a salt-wedge estuary revealed by high resolution cavity ring-down spectroscopy observations
DR Tait, DT Maher, WW Wong, IR Santos, M Sadat-Noori, C Holloway, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (23), 13771-13778, 2017
Unravelling the origin and fate of nitrate in an agricultural–urban coastal aquifer
WW Wong, MR Grace, I Cartwright, PLM Cook
Biogeochemistry 122, 343-360, 2015
Effects of drift algae accumulation and nitrate loading on nitrogen cycling in a eutrophic coastal sediment
WW Wong, C Greening, G Shelley, R Lappan, PM Leung, A Kessler, ...
Science of the Total Environment 790, 147749, 2021
Land use and episodic rainfall as drivers of nitrogen exports in subtropical rivers: Insights from δ15N-NO3−, δ18O-NO3− and 222Rn
PD Wadnerkar, L Andrews, WW Wong, X Chen, RE Correa, S White, ...
Science of the total Environment 758, 143669, 2021
Biogeochemical attenuation of nitrate in a sandy subterranean estuary: Insights from two stable isotope approaches
WW Wong, A Applegate, SC Poh, PLM Cook
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (12), 3098-3113, 2020
Nutrient transport and sources in headwater streams surrounded by intensive horticulture
SA White, SR Conrad, RL Woodrow, JP Tucker, WW Wong, PM Cook, ...
Coffs Harbour City Council 57, 2020
N and C Isotope variations along an extreme eutrophication and salinity gradient in the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia
SC Priestley, J Tyler, SR Liebelt, LM Mosley, WW Wong, Y Shao, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 727971, 2022
Sources and cycling of nitrogen revealed by stable isotopes in a highly populated large temperate coastal embayment
WW Wong, I Cartwright, SC Poh, P Cook
Science of The Total Environment 806, 150408, 2022
Arthropod predation of vertebrates structures trophic dynamics in island ecosystems
LR Halpin, DI Terrington, HP Jones, R Mott, WW Wong, DC Dow, ...
The American Naturalist 198 (4), 540-550, 2021
Interactive effect of temperature and plant species on nitrogen cycling and treatment in stormwater biofiltration systems
HS Fowdar, WW Wong, R Henry, PLM Cook, DT McCarthy
Science of the Total Environment 831, 154911, 2022
Natural attenuation of large anthropogenic nitrate loads in a subtropical stream revealed by δ15N and δ18O
SA White, SR Conrad, RL Woodrow, JP Tucker, WW Wong, PM Cook, ...
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126077, 2021
Nitrogen and oxygen isotopomeric constraints on the sources of nitrous oxide and the role of submarine groundwater discharge in a temperate eutrophic salt‐wedge estuary
WW Wong, MF Lehmann, T Kuhn, C Frame, SC Poh, I Cartwright, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (4), 1068-1082, 2021
The runoff carrying capacity of Coffs Coast Estuaries
PD Wadnerkar, L Andrews, WW Wong, X Chen, RE Correa, S White, ...
Coffs Harbour City Council, 2020
Negligible isotopic fractionation of nitrogen within temperate Zostera spp. meadows
DG Russell, WW Wong, PLM Cook
Biogeosciences 15 (23), 7225-7234, 2018
Stable isotopes of nitrate (δ15N and δ18O) as functional indicators of nitrogen processing in constructed wetlands
K Roberts, M Grace, P Cook, D Erler, WW Wong
Science of the Total Environment 899, 165246, 2023
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Articles 1–20