In Kyu Park
In Kyu Park
Professor, Inha University
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Cited by
Design and performance evaluation of image processing algorithms on GPUs
IK Park, N Singhal, MH Lee, S Cho, CW Kim
IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems 22 (1), 91-104, 2011
Apparatus and method for depth image-based representation of 3-dimensional object
I Park, AO Zhirkov, M Han, AV Ignatenko, LI Leckovich-Maslyuk
US Patent 8,217,941, 2012
Robust Light Field Depth Estimation using Occlusion-Noise Aware Data Costs
Williem, IK Park, KM Lee
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 40 (10), 2484-2497, 2018
Method and apparatus for image-based photorealistic 3D face modeling
I Park, H Choh, V Vezhnevets, H Zhang
US Patent 7,835,568, 2010
Robust light field depth estimation for noisy scene with occlusion
Williem, IK Park
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 4396-4404, 2016
Node structure for representing 3-dimensional objects using depth image
AO Zhirkov, LI Levkovich-Maslyuk, I Park, AV Ignatenko, M Han
US Patent 8,022,951, 2011
Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation
IK Park, ID Yun, SU Lee
Image and Vision Computing 17 (7), 465-474, 1999
Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU
IK Park, M Germann, MD Breitenstein, H Pfister
Machine Vision and Applications 21, 749-766, 2010
Implementation and optimization of image processing algorithms on handheld GPU
N Singhal, IK Park, S Cho
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 4481-4484, 2010
Constructing NURBS surface model from scattered and unorganized range data
IK Park, ID Yun, SU Lee
International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 312-320, 1999
Face De-occlusion using 3D Morphable Model and Generative Adversarial Network
X Yuan, IK Park
Proc. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 10062-10071, 2019
Deep CNN-based super-resolution using external and internal examples
JY Cheong, IK Park
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 24 (8), 1252-1256, 2017
Reflection Removal for In-Vehicle Black Box Videos
C Simon, IK Park
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 4231-4239, 2015
Single image motion deblurring using adaptive anisotropic regularization
H Hong, IK Park
Optical Engineering 49 (9), 097008, 2010
Image-based photorealistic 3-D face modeling
IK Park, H Zhang, V Vezhnevets, HK Choh
IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 49-54, 2004
GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
JY Chang, H Park, IK Park, KM Lee, SU Lee
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (5), 620-634, 2011
Depth image-based representation and compression for static and animated 3-d objects
L Levkovich-Maslyuk, A Ignatenko, A Zhirkov, A Konushin, IK Park, M Han, ...
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 14 (7), 1032-1045, 2004
Depth image-based representations for static and animated 3D objects
Y Bayakovski, L Levkovich-Maslyuk, A Ignatenko, A Konushin, D Timasov, ...
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3, III-25-III-28 vol. 3, 2002
Automatic pose estimation for range images on the GPU
M Germann, MD Breitenstein, IK Park, H Pfister
International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 81-90, 2007
Implementation and optimization of image processing algorithms on embedded GPU
N Singhal, JW Yoo, HY Choi, IK Park
IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems 95 (5), 1475-1484, 2012
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Articles 1–20