Sina Aminmansour
Cited by
Cited by
Improving near-miss event detection rate at railway level crossings
S Aminmansour, F Maire, GS Larue, C Wullems
2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2015
Near-miss event detection at railway level crossings
S Aminmansour, F Maire, C Wullems
2014 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2014
Video analytics for the detection of near-miss incidents on approach to railway level crossings
S Aminmansour, F Maire, C Wullems
ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference 45356, V001T06A010, 2014
Video analytics for the detection of near-miss incidents at railway level crossings and signal passed at danger events
S Aminmansour
Queensland University of Technology, 2017
Islam, Sheikh Md. Rabiul
M Aktar, N Alam, M Jahangir, M Ali, S Aminmansour, M Antolovich, ...
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