Madura A. Shelton
Madura A. Shelton
Senior member of Technical Staff, Oracle
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Cited by
Rosita: Towards Automatic Elimination of Power-Analysis Leakage in Ciphers
MA Shelton, N Samwel, L Batina, F Regazzoni, M Wagner, Y Yarom
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2021
Rosita++: Automatic Higher-Order Leakage Elimination from Cryptographic Code
MA Shelton, Ł Chmielewski, N Samwel, M Wagner, L Batina, Y Yarom
ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2021
Towards Automatic Power Analysis Leakage Elimination
MA Shelton
Porting ROSITA to the ChipWhisperer for Broader Automatic Elimination of Power Analysis Leakages
S Wong, C Chuengsatiansup, MA Shelton, Y Yarom
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