James B Grace
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of ecological communities
B McCune, J Grace
MjM Software Design 300, 2002
Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity
BJ Cardinale, JE Duffy, A Gonzalez, DU Hooper, C Perrings, P Venail, ...
Nature 486 (7401), 59-67, 2012
piecewiseSEM: Piecewise structural equation modeling. An r package version 2.1. 0
J Lefcheck, J Byrnes, J Grace
Perspectives on plant competition
J Grace
Elsevier, 2012
Structural equation modeling and natural systems
JB Grace
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Effects of invasive alien plants on fire regimes
ML Brooks, CM D'antonio, DM Richardson, JB Grace, JE Keeley, ...
BioScience 54 (7), 677-688, 2004
Growing cooler: evidence on urban development and climate change
RH Ewing, SG America
ULI, 2008
On the specification of structural equation models for ecological systems
JB Grace, TM Anderson, H Olff, SM Scheiner
Ecological monographs 80 (1), 67-87, 2010
Integrative modelling reveals mechanisms linking productivity and plant species richness
JB Grace, TM Anderson, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, PB Adler, WS Harpole, ...
Nature 529 (7586), 390-393, 2016
Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness
PB Adler, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, H Hillebrand, Y Hautier, A Hector, ...
science 333 (6050), 1750-1753, 2011
The factors controlling species density in herbaceous plant communities: an assessment
JB Grace
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics 2 (1), 1-28, 1999
Guidelines for a graph‐theoretic implementation of structural equation modeling
JB Grace, DR Schoolmaster Jr, GR Guntenspergen, AM Little, BR Mitchell, ...
Ecosphere 3 (8), 1-44, 2012
Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora
JK Brown, JK Smith
Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 2. Ogden, UT: US Department of Agriculture …, 2000
Does species diversity limit productivity in natural grassland communities?
JB Grace, T Michael Anderson, MD Smith, E Seabloom, SJ Andelman, ...
Ecology letters 10 (8), 680-689, 2007
Resilience to Stress and Disturbance, and Resistance to Bromus tectorum L. Invasion in Cold Desert Shrublands of Western North America
JC Chambers, BA Bradley, CS Brown, C D’Antonio, MJ Germino, ...
Ecosystems 17, 360-375, 2014
Habitat partitioning and competitive displacement in cattails (Typha): experimental field studies
JB Grace, RG Wetzel
The American Naturalist 118 (4), 463-474, 1981
Interpreting the results from multiple regression and structural equation models
JB Grace, KA Bollen
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 86 (4), 283-295, 2005
Environmental and plant community determinants of species loss following nitrogen enrichment
CM Clark, EE Cleland, SL Collins, JE Fargione, L Gough, KL Gross, ...
Ecology letters 10 (7), 596-607, 2007
From patterns to causal understanding: structural equation modeling (SEM) in soil ecology
N Eisenhauer, MA Bowker, JB Grace, JR Powell
Pedobiologia 58 (2-3), 65-72, 2015
The relationship between species richness and community biomass: the importance of environmental variables
L Gough, JB Grace, KL Taylor
Oikos, 271-279, 1994
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Articles 1–20