Susan Beetson
Cited by
Cited by
Quality and efficacy of the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) for university students
S Whatman, J McLaughlin, S Willsteed, A Tyhuis, S Beetson
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 37 (S1), 118-130, 2008
Building a digital entrepreneurial platform through local community activity and digital skills with ngemba first nation, Australia
SJ Beetson, S Pradhan, G Gordon, J Ford
International Indigenous Policy Journal 11 (1), 1-19, 2020
Ready to write
B Fredericks, K Martin, B Warner, R Perkins, T Combo, E McConochie, ...
Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 25 (3-4), 1-10, 2022
Building digital entrepreneurial platform through local community activity and digital skills in aboriginal Australia
S Pradhan, S Beetson, C Kutay
Proceedings of the 29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS …, 2018
Brewarrina Fish Traps, on the Barwon–Darling Catchment, NSW
C Kutay, S Beetson
Digital culture hubs: Storing traditional knowledges for contemporary use
S Beetson
Architecture Australia 113 (2), 18-19, 2024
Digital culture hubs: Storing Traditional knowledges for contemporary use
G Birks, SJ Beetson
Australian Institute of Architects, 2024
Building a Digital Entrepreneurial Platform through Local Community Activity and Digital Skills with Ngemba First Nation Australia
S Pradhan, S Beetson, G Gordon, J Ford
The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 2019
Message stick intersects western science: understanding experiences of networking interactions, using social media, from within rural and remote Aboriginal Australia
S Beetson
Information Systems Doctoral Colloquium, 1-17, 2010
ITAS in a virtual environment–quality and efficacy in Indigenous tertiary student support
SJ Beetson, A Tyhuis, S Willsteed, JM Mclaughlin, S Whatman
ITAS in a virtual environment–quality and efficacy in Indigenous tertiary student support. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education
SJ Beetson, AB Tyhuis, SM Willsteed, JM McLaughlin, SL Whatman
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Articles 1–11